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 May divorce be useful for children? (10)

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AkbotaSanali(12) pic

May divorce be useful for children?

Some people think that divorce is an awful thing that destroy children's psychik, other think that it's not so bad. Why? What are the reasons for different points of view?
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2 points

I think it may be useful in cases when divorce is the only way to solve problem. I mean, in some families one of parents may be agressive (reasons are different). It's told that divorce destroy children's psychik but agressive parents' negative influsence is greater.

Another reason why I think divorce may be useful is that sometimes couples break up because of new love and may be it's even better because if parents will be happy creating new extended family then children will be happy too.

The third reason is that they learn how to be flexible, tolerant, accept different people and manage conflicts.

2 points

More than half of all my friends have divorced parents. And some of the other half, have parents that were only together for a little while, then split up.

They all seem totally normal to me, they all had great child memories and they also had bad child memories - just like the rest of us.

Of course they wish they had parents that were together - but when I was a kid I wished for my Dad to come home. He was working outside the country, and he wasn't home very often.

We don't all get everything, and I think that is okay.

And also, I am really against people being together for their 'children's sake'

If you wanna get a divorce, get a divorce - because if you don't want to be together, you're gonna drive each other crazy by being together. Which makes no sense for you OR the child.

2 points

I think children should wait until they grow up to be old farts before they divorce:)

Oh Baby!! LOL
1 point

Of course not. It's nessary for every children to have a full family. A divorse causes too much problems for children...

I think there is no happy childhood when your parents are divorced. So I think the parents should stay with each other no matter what if they already have children. Because you should take the responsibility for your children and think of their future. It is selfish when the parents just divorce and think it can be useful in any way. They should have thought about it before marrying each other.

giverupper(247) Disputed
1 point

I know lots of people who've grown up with their parents divorced.

No one of them thinks they had a crappy childhood - they said exactly the opposite.

What problems are you talking about ? of course there are compromises you will have to make, but the problems will be there no matter if your parents are divorced or not.

A full family isn't pure happiness, neither is a separated family.

That's entirely dependent on many variables.

You have to take into consideration how civil the parents are to each other. How much they care for and support their child. How tough the child is. How supportive the child's friends are. And how much of a family the child has outside of his/her's parents. Just a few to begin with, but there are more.

Just as an example, my parents went through quite a messy divorce. But it really didn't bother me too much (it takes a lot to genuinely irk me). Whereas my friend's parents went through a fairly civil divorce, he saw both of his parents regularly. It almost destroyed him.

So it's all very subjective.

Personally, I think it depends on many variables. The biggest mistake you can make in life is to fall in love with the wrong person. My parent were never happy together, me and my brother wish they had divorce because of how unhappy they are, I think sometimes divorce may be better because even though in some cases children may not like it, if you spent your entire life seeing your mom and dad unhappy with each other and even drive each other nuts, you may wish they weren't married. My mom had anger issues in the past and my dad is one of the most passive-aggressive people I've ever meet. not a good combo, it brings in a lot of stress into the family, and can be damaging to the children. Sometimes it can be good I guess though I could never empathize with divorce being a bad thing to children that might be just because of where I come from. Every time my parents tried to divorce, I always felt kind of excited that something new was happening, as I wasn't close with either of them, I think on a subconcious level, I realized that them both apart did me and them more good than them being together.

1 point

There is nothing useful for children from divorce.It only affects them in many ways.Most importantly there are a lot of psychological problems from divorce.When child's parents divorce child blames himself.Never in his life child will feel himself secure.There are will always be the fear that his relationship will end the same way as his parents' did. So divorce only leads to bad consequences for child.

1 point

No divorce is not useful for children many children want their mom and dad to be together and not apart so they can be a family.

Only if the arguments are affecting the children whereby their grades are falling and they can't go to sleep at night.