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Obama b talking all emeducated Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Obama b talking all emeducated (10)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (6)

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jolie(9810) pic

Maybe something good did come out of electing Obama.

Obama b talking all emeducated

Side Score: 10

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 7
1 point

I know, I know, people over there ---> are like, "Wait..., what??? Did Jolie's account get hacked?"

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
1 point

This article stumble guys offered a unique perspective on the topic stumble guys online that I hadn't considered before. It was thought-provoking and insightful.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
1 point

The choice of programming language affects code readability and maintainability. Languages with clear syntax and strong typing, such as Kotlin and Swift, can make it easier to maintain and enhance the app over time. Clean, well-structured code reduces the likelihood of introducing bugs during maintenance.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
Vennersse(11) Disputed
1 point

Maybe something good did come out of electing Obama. In the world of politics, every decision, every election, and every leader has the potential to bring about both positive and negative consequences. Barack Obama's presidency was no exception. I liked Paper Fellows because of this review Whether you agree with his policies or not, there were undoubtedly some beneficial outcomes that emerged during his time in office. Let's delve into the legacy of Obama's presidency and explore the possible positive effects that his election had on our nation.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Programming language selection has an impact on the readability and maintainability of code. Programming languages like Kotlin and Swift, which have strong typing and a clear syntax, can help with program maintenance and tunnel rush enhancement over time. The possibility of adding bugs during maintenance is decreased by neat, organized code.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
1 point

The Watermelon Game is more than just strolling through picturesque landscapes; it's about conquering sweet challenges. Players will encounter many obstacles that require skill, strategy and a little creativity to overcome. From jumping over obstacles to solving fruit puzzles, each level presents a new and exciting challenge that will keep players on the edge of their seats.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated

While there are also valid criticisms of Obama's presidency, his overall slope legacy is one of progress and positive change. During his time in office, he faced many challenges but also made significant contributions to the country.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
1 point

An escort can be characterised as a lady who is paid to provide excellent company to her client for a set time, even if there is still some stigma about the employment of a Goa Escorts Service.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
1 point

Funny how the media put black leaders on TV to comment about things like what happened in Baltimore, yet the Youtube videos done by young black people somehow are much more believable and even compelling. Hmmmm

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Sounds like you have some preconceptions you are looking to confirm.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
daver(1771) Disputed
1 point

Sounds like you have a chip on your narrow shoulders, that you want someone to knock off. Do you have any thoughts on the OP, or are you just blank on the subject video?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Obama has done NOTHING to bring the people together. He is the "angry black man" we all have come to fear. He preaches them -vs- us at every opportunity. Sometimes edgamcation does not help.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

He is the "angry black man" we all have come to fear.

We all fear the "angry black man"? Sounds a little...hmm...let's say racially insensitive.

He preaches them -vs- us at every opportunity.

So do the Republicans, so what? That is, unfortunately, how politics is in this country right now.

Side: Obama b talking all emeducated
daver(1771) Disputed
2 points

"Angry black man" is what he sounds like. Did you watch the videos, or just go trolling for something to jump on.

That is, unfortunately, how politics is in this country right now.

He has taken every opportunity to comment against the police, in all of these racial incidents, before the facts are known. What a punk.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

The icon moves quickly in order to increase the level's difficulty geometry dash lite through design. The precise location of contact for each move must be determined. Although each range of motion is not very wide, they all add up to a more difficult challenge. Construction elements and details. There are a variety of big and little blocks, making it a sizable amount. The spikes are numerous and positioned in a variety of geometric patterns. The developer's zeal is evident from the attention to detail in every aspect.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!