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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Sounds legit. Say whaaat?
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Sounds legit. (2)
 Say whaaat? (9)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

My theory on why men like large breasts.

The men in our generation have grown up with video games.  Video games, like life, start out easy, progress to medium and then they get hard near the end.  This is how we have been conditioned to expect things in life to progress.  By the time men start having kids, they expect to be playing in hard mode.  They thus expect large, mammalian protrusions.

Sounds legit.

Side Score: 2

Say whaaat?

Side Score: 10
1 point

Lol, Big tites are to complecated bra straps, as the Razer Naga is to MMORPG's, I like the challenge.

In case you are lost below is a picture of what a Razer Naga is, it's a MMO gaming mouse, I have one : )

Supporting Evidence: Razer Naga (
Side: Sounds legit.
sauh(1106) Disputed
1 point

With an analogy like that; I would think getting any girls bra off would be a challenge for you.

(Nothin but love)

Side: Say whaaat?
1 point

lol it is, ...............................................................................

Side: Say whaaat?
1 point

You are so insightful Joe, thank you for helping me understand why I gravitate toward larger mammalian protrusions. And lucky for me I'm shorter than most women so large mammalian protrusions also gravitate toward me.

This also sheds some light on why I get more and more erect whilst advancing in video games, each level I beat in super Mario Bros, I get closer and closer to beating my Toadstool.

Side: Sounds legit.
2 points

Blaarg. I think it's just primal instinct, men look for women with larger mammary's , so that the child will not go hungry...

Side: Say whaaat?
1 point

Actually, while probably partially responsible for today's modern heterosexual male viewpoints, heterosexual males were always more attractive to certain body shapes. What used to be attractive to most males would probably be considered 'pudgy' by today's standards, since most women are flawed in thinking supermodels are what you should compare yourself to, despite the overwhelming fact most are too skinny or anorexic/bulemic... oh and photoshop because why not. The boobs are about the only thing that's even 'worthy of saving' so they try to keep those the same size or bigger.

TL;DR : Yeah, society is pretty fucked up.

Side: Say whaaat?

It would make more sense if the theory was-

They've seen so many big tits that big tits are now what they always want to see because going to smaller tits would not sexually arouse them enough and they would be left dissatisfied with their relationship.

...or something like that

That difficultly level schnaze throws it off.

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You could make your own debate and phrase it any way you want, but I will take your constructive criticism under advisement ;)

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So I am guessing the same theory would apply to girls too, but they go for bigger dicks instead..or tits still if they are bi/lebo

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And what about the large part of the population that doesn't even play video games but prefer large breast?

How would the difficultly level idea correlate with them?

Side: Say whaaat?