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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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joecavalry(40163) pic

Out of all Disney male characters, which one got more chics?

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This is really a no brainer. The choice is obvious but just tag your argument for your favorite.

Side: pinocchio
1 point

After the wedding, Aladin got a few new harem members....

Side: Aladin
1 point

Hercules! I mean come on... who wouldn't want to f#$@ a god?! ;)

Side: Hercules


Side: Hercules
1 point

no way its mickey mouse hands down he is a direct creation from the creator of disney no one gets more pu$$y than him!!!

Side: mickey
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

But he's in a very serious relationship with Minnie. I'm sure she doesn't let him out too much. :)

Side: mickey
1 point

Haha, you're so lame Joe.

thinks Yea... how about Aladdin? Wasn't he Egyptian? Isn't there some biased rule out there and in the middle east that the husband can sleep with the wife's sisters? haha. I read that somewhere about certain cultures...

How about Hercules? He reminds me a mighty, charismatic, rapist (without making you think you're being raped). And he'd probably do dudes too...

Hmmm, I'm picking Hercules. I can't even remember the other Disney characters...

Side: Hercules

It's Dopey hands down! ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,

Side: Dopey
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

Ah but he's competing with 6 other guys just like him for the same girl! And on top of this, he has the most pessimistic attitude of all 7 of them. :)

Side: Dopey