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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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 PLEASE, I need everyone's help on CD to help me decipher my wife's note!!! (13)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

PLEASE, I need everyone's help on CD to help me decipher my wife's note!!!


I just got home from work.

The wife left the following note on the fridge:

"It's not working..., I can't take it anymore!!   Gone to stay with my Mother."

I opened the fridge, the light came on and the beer was cold...
What the hell is she talking about?

Maybe the ladies on this site can translate this for me.  Google translate doesn't translate women speak.

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5 points

She's a woman, Joe, she doesn't care about the beer. Check the freezer and make sure the ice cream is okay.

Thanks. That's exactly what it was. You are wise beyond your time on CD ;)

1 point

^ Smart man!

It's because you spend too much time here CreateDebate is your new wife.

I'm currently drinking a beer. It takes a while for her to get to her mother's house and she has her cell phone turned off. Please, I need you guy's help. She didn't even use a smiley. Thanx in advance for your help.


1 point

I think your wife wants a divorce that's what she might be thinking.

Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

I doubt it's that obvious...

Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

I think that's what his wife probably told him or its probably something he did to her that made her leave.

Apollo(1608) Clarified
1 point is a joke, srom.

See, the wife was referring to their marriage, but since the note was on the fridge, the man assumes it's the refrigerator that isn't working. So when he finds the beer cold, he is confused...which is funny to post people.

1 point

Now I feel stupid for being duped. :/

Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

Well excuse me! I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not. I take everything seriously, I had a feeling what I said was wrong thats why I don't participate in these kinds of debates.

P.S I already knew it was marriage because the note said its over.

1 point

Right? The question is why does 50 shades of gray make every chick think we're out of beer? I'll wait for the cliff notes.

It is crazy to think that your wife would stay at her mother's house just because the fridge isn't working even though it is.