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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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So that's what u look like You're wearing it backwards
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:16
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 So that's what u look like (11)
 You're wearing it backwards (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Picture of me with my CD T-Shirt ;)


So that's what u look like

Side Score: 11

You're wearing it backwards

Side Score: 1

You can't tell (because the picture is so small) but I'm winking ;)

Side: So that's what u look like

This isn't Joe, it's an impostor. The real Joe described himself to Bouncing Betty.

Supporting Evidence: Joe describing himself (
Side: So that's what u look like
1 point

What do you want to bet that Joe and Bouncing Betty have the same IP address....{Laughs}...

Side: So that's what u look like

I already told him that I don't think bouncing betty looks anything like her picture ;-)

Also, gravity collects a toll so I'm not sure how she's holding up. After all, that's an old picture ;-)

As far as having the same IP address, notice the time of transmission of each post.... I can't switch users that fast. But I do have more computing devices than you average bear ;-)

I'm just saying ;-)

Side: So that's what u look like
1 point

You don't like like you are in your 20's lol.

Side: So that's what u look like

Yeah....., I lied....., just a little ;-)

Side: So that's what u look like
1 point

Scandalous. And they say sex doesn't sell T-Shirts :D

Side: So that's what u look like
1 point

Hey you are not bad looking for a caucassian! You should shave though. Just because you are middle aged (I am assuming that because you look like one of the "dad" types) doesn't mean you're out of the game. XD

Also, I meant something more like badge achievements, like on stack exchange

Side: So that's what u look like

Are you hitting on me? BTW, I'm Hispanic. Hope that doesn't dissuade you. ;)

Side: So that's what u look like
1 point

Wow! Well Andy wanted someone to wear it on TV... looks like you have accomplished that.

Side: You're wearing it backwards