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 Reasons why golf is getting to be more popular than other sports. (18)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Reasons why golf is getting to be more popular than other sports.

The following is not meant to offend fans of Tennis, Basketball, Football, or baseball.  it is intended instead to put things into proper perspective.

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Golfers don't have some of their players in jail every week. ;)

brandino(27) Disputed
1 point

dude did u say all those comments so u could get to the top. "WOOOOOOW"

I can get to the top without all of these comments. I just put them up so that people can pick and choose which ones they agree with and which ones they don't. ;)

Golfers don't kick dirt or throw bottles at other people. ;)

The PGA raises more money for charity in one year than the NFL does in 2.

You can watch the best golfers in the world up close, at any tournament, including the majors, all day every day for $25 or $30.

Even in the nose bleed section, a ticket to the Super Bowl will cost you over $300 ($1000 if you get it from a scalper)

In golf you cannot fail 70% of the time and make $9 million a season, like the best baseball hitters (.300 batting average) do.

Golfers keep their clothes on while they are being interviewed.

Golfers don't have free agency. In their prime, Palmer, Norman, and other stars, would shake your hand and say they were happy to meet you. In his prime Jose Canseco wore T-shirts that read "Leave me alone."

Hmmm, I should get me on of those T-shirts ;)

You can hear birds chirping on the golf course during a tournament instead of a steady stream of four letter words and name calling while you're hoping no one spills beer on you.

Gold courses don't ruin the neighborhood.

BTW, during a discussion among the club's membership board at St. Andrews in 1858, a senior member pointed out that it takes exactly 18 shots to polish off a fifth of Scotch. By limiting himself to only one shot of Scotch per hole, the Scot figured a round of golf was finished when the Scotch ran out. And that's why golf courses have 18 holes and not 20 or 10 or even a dozen.

1 point

For one reason Tigers Woods. Just like swimming has become more popular in the USA and theres only one reason for that too, Michael Phelps. But its only sports that America could accept. Like if someone was going to be so dominate in ping pong like these players, it wouldn't metter in the US,so that player would have to move to China and then he/she would become a superstar.

Side: Dominate players
1 point

I think the one thing you are missing joe is that anyone can play golf. You don't have to be athletic to play. You can be as fat as John Daly or as skinny as Charles Howell. You see professionals in basketball, baseball, and football with all their big muscles and ripped bodies, and then you turn it to golf and see people who look like average joe's (no pun intended), I mean other than tiger that is.

Side: dont have to be athletic

I think that as more and more people are getting into the corporate image and jobs they are seeing that golf looms pretty large in that athmosphere. Most big-wigs play the game and if you want to hang with the corp honchos you'd better get a golf game going.

Side: Corporate Game

Have you noticed that Basketball is the preferred game for people who live in poor neighborhoods? And football for the blue collar worker. And then tennis for the educated and finally gold for the really well to do? It's as if the wealthier you get, the smaller your balls get ;)

Side: Corporate Game

Yes, I've noticed that but don't put the game of golf down too badly. It takes a degree of athleticism, focus, prescision and so on. It's not a game for wimps.

Side: Corporate Game

Golf just happens to be my favorite sport to watch and play. It is not getting more popular than other sports just based on economics. Golf is a expensive sport, but not as much as it was.

Side: Corporate Game

Professional golfers get paid in direct proportion to how well they play.

Golfers don't hold out for more money, or demand new contracts, because another player's deal.

Professional golfers don't demand that the taxpayer pay for the courses on which they play.

Side: Corporate Game