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Total Votes:31
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Seth_Tan(133) pic

(S4-02) Who has the right of claim over the disputed territory of Aksai Chin?

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2 points

China has the right of claim as the Aksai chin area belongs to her.

2 points

It was India who had first attempted to annex the region in 1834, years before China's attempt to claim possession of the land. Thus, by rights of conquest, Aksai Chin would technically be under India's control.

Done by Shawn Kit, supported by Qian Hui and Ruoyu

2 points

China has the right of claim over the disputed territory of Aksai Chin as the territory falls in the Tibetan territory and is Chinese territory and China had established posts in Aksai Chin unlike India.

2 points

India was the first to initiate the violence, while China was willing to negotiate as they treasured their relations.

1 point

A proposal by Zhou Enlai to settle the border issue by recognising Indian control over Arunachal Pradesh and Chinese control over Aksai Chin was rejected by Jawaharlal Nehru. India’s move for a forward policy to keep the Chinese forces in check and eventually push them out of Aksai Chin.

Hence, China did not want to settle the issue using violence and respected India. India was the one to started to war.

1 point

The war was started after India invaded both disputed and then undisputed Chinese territories. The areas that are under dispute are rather large, roughly 47,000 square miles. But because there are little natural resources in these regions and only one region, namely, Aksai Chin, has some limited strategic value for the Chinese, China was willing to negotiate with India a border settlement. China was willing to negotiate a border settlement with India because it valued the relationship between the two giant developing neighbors and saw a partnership that would lead the developing world against the imperialistic western nations. India’s view at first reciprocated that sentiment. Relations soon turned sour when India’s prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru refused to negotiate with Zhou Enlai and Mao to settle a border that both can live with. India continued to unilaterally claim all of the disputed areas.

Seth_Tan(133) Clarified
1 point

So, Mr Hoong, what's your point then? Please show some thinking and share with us what you think about the debate motion...

1 point

India has the right of claim over the disputed territory of Aksai Chin. India had claimed Aksai Chin even before China had control of XinJiang and when they claimed it, China did not dispute the claim. It was only later that China decided to claim Aksai Chin.

1 point

China was repressing Tibetan Buddism as part of it's communist regime. The Dalai Lama was seekign religious asylum and sought help in India. The Chinese government accused India of conspiring with reactionary Tibetans to cause the Tibetan revolt and responsible for the abduction of the Dalai Lama. Indian was branded as the “aggressor” by China and was thus accused of violating the 1954 Panchsheela agreement

1 point

Defending China (Nicole)

India attacked first. in defense, china went into combat as well. china also believed that Aksai Chin belonged to her for it was shown in the maps as well. China believed that the land solely belonged to them and did not want to share.

1 point

China was trying to protect its main trading route to Tibet, and had to protect Chinese Tibet from invasion.


1 point


0 points

India was defending the sovereignty of Tibet, which was having it's economy subverted by China.

Seth_Tan(133) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean it was defending the sovereignty of Tibet? Tibet was never an independent territory to start with?

0 points

China has the right of claim over the disputed territory of Aksai Chin. In the first place , India was the one that started the world while china treasured its neighboring country India and was willing to go thru peaceful negotiations for the land.The war was started after India invaded both disputed and then undisputed Chinese territories. The areas that are under dispute are rather large, roughly 47,000 square miles. But because there are little natural resources in these regions and only one region, namely, Aksai Chin, has some limited strategic value for the Chinese, China was willing to negotiate with India a border settlement. China was willing to negotiate a border settlement with India because it valued the relationship between the two giant developing neighbors and saw a partnership that would lead the developing world against the imperialistic western nations. India’s view at first reciprocated that sentiment. Relations soon turned sour when India’s prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru refused to negotiate with Zhou Enlai and Mao to settle a border that both can live with. India continued to unilaterally claim all of the disputed areas.