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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Sure, take a breather. No, men were meant to stand.
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Sure, take a breather. (10)
 No, men were meant to stand. (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Sure, take a breather.

Side Score: 10

No, men were meant to stand.

Side Score: 6

If men sat to pee, we could get rid of urinals. If we got rid of urinals, we can have unisex bathrooms. If we had unisex bathrooms... wait... ;)

Side: Sure, take a breather.
DJDebate(29) Disputed
1 point

Ehh, we can pee standing up in a regular toilet too you know...

Side: No, men were meant to stand.
1 point

I always piss sitting down when I take a shit.

Side: Sure, take a breather.
1 point

Stupid men, having way too much stamina, us women know when we need to relax, even for a few seconds to pee.


Nah, if I had an aiming stick, I'd probably stand up too.

Side: Sure, take a breather.

I always sit down to pee when I'm at home because I got tired of having to wipe down the toilet each time I pee, because no matter how perfect your aim is it still splashes when it hits the water. The idea that it's not manly to pee sitting down is just a ridiculous stereotype. If you think being able to stand and pee at the same time somehow makes you manly, I have to question your intelligence.

Side: Sure, take a breather.
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

I got tired of having to wipe down the toilet each time I pee, because no matter how perfect your aim is it still splashes when it hits the water.

Wow dude. That's why you lift the fricken seat.

Side: No, men were meant to stand.
1 point

I do lift the seat but it still splashes on the rim of the toilet.

Side: Sure, take a breather.
1 point

Sit to pee, stand to poop. Mix it up a bit.

Side: Sure, take a breather.
1 point

I am totally pro-choice on this issue.

Side: Sure, take a breather.
1 point is easier, more practical and frankly more relaxing! The advantage of having a "peeing stick" really comes into play when you are at a major event (i.e. the lines are long) or in the woods...other than that it is more civilized to sit.

Side: Sure, take a breather.
1 point

Wow, you actually have an article for this topic. I love how the guy trying to get the law passed will lie over and over again to push his agenda.

Side: No, men were meant to stand.

It's faster to just unzip then pull it out.

Annnnd we won't have to put up with disgusting restroom toilets like women do.


Side: No, men were meant to stand.

Every time I sit, I get the tip wet. I hate that. Especially since the water is cold!!! ;)

Side: No, men were meant to stand.