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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, yes they should. Wait..., what? NO!!!
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, yes they should. (3)
 Wait..., what? NO!!! (4)

Debate Creator

jolie(9810) pic

Should people who are about to die and then cremated eat lots of popcorn kernels?

Yes, yes they should.

Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? NO!!!

Side Score: 4


why not? those kernels popping in the oven would be hilarious and add some much needed comic relief to an other wise dour and depressing situation.

I could see it now: A great name for a Crematorium.......

Jiffy Pop Mortuary!

and then the ashes could be kept in one of those old fashioned cardboard red and white-striped cartons instead of those boring old urns.

Side: Yes, yes they should.

Only if Dawn of the Dead, or Zombie Apocalypse is shown.


Side: Yes, yes they should.
1 point

I'd say that's genius. Except even the popped popcorn would be nothing but ashes by the time the oven door opened.

I was going to suggest a smores alternative but then I realized there's no way the chocolate and marshmallow would last. Just a total waste.

Side: Yes, yes they should.
1 point

Wtf? WHY! That's so depraved.

You should be forced to eat CO2 cartridges then cremated alive.

Side: Wait..., what? NO!!!
1 point

Shit! Why didn't I think of that? Now you're more depraved than me.

Side: Wait..., what? NO!!!
1 point

Cuz your not awesome like me.

Side: Wait..., what? NO!!!