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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yeah..., let's Yeeeaaahhh...., No.
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Yeah..., let's (8)
 Yeeeaaahhh...., No. (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Should we assign some debate topics to specific days

So like, for example, we could have

Gay Marriage Wednesday (Gay Marriage hump day) or

Atheists VS Theists Sunday or

Men for Football vs Women Against Footbal Monday or

Joecavalry All Day Every Day (JADED) week

This doesn't mean that we can't have those debates on any other day of the week or that we only have to debate that specific topic on that day of the week.  It only means that we have a specific day set aside that features some topic for people to bitch about. 

For example, let's say you're in High School..., preparing to take the S.A.T. for college..., but you need a break..., so you decide to go on CD..., but you don't know what you want to debate...., so then you would check to see what was being featured that day notice that it's S.A.T. Saturday!!! so join in on the fun. 

See how that works ;)

Yeah..., let's

Side Score: 8

Yeeeaaahhh...., No.

Side Score: 5

Sounds like a great idea. When is boobies day ;)

Side: Yeah..., let's
1 point

British Empire vs [Whatever country dares to try] on 24th May.

I've always intended to do a British Empire debate on that day, I just have to wait until it comes.

Side: Yeah..., let's

Or..., we can do it every Thursday night..., unless, of course, you're chicken ;)

Side: Yeah..., let's
1 point

Then all you Americans would be upset because I would wear you down every week.

Plus, the 24th of May is a bit special.

Side: Yeah..., let's
1 point

why not do it? sounds fun.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yeah..., let's
1 point

Yes, I like it, but we will need people assigned to the content. I can save a feature debate slot for the daily debate. We should get a few weeks worth of ideas in the cue before rolling it out.

Just let me know.


Side: Yeah..., let's

Can we have like a weed day, where we just come on stoned and talk about stuff than come back later to see what we wrote?

Side: Yeah..., let's

Atheists vs theists on Sunday would be pretty slow, as most of the theists on this site are Christians and Christians are supposed to spend Sundays relaxing and worshiping, not debating heathens.

Side: Yeeeaaahhh...., No.

Cool! Then that means that the atheists will win by default ;)

Side: Yeeeaaahhh...., No.
1 point

Gay Marriage Wednesdays doesn't work for me.... I could possible fit that in on Sunday morning??? Let me check my schedule and I'll get back with you.

Side: Yeeeaaahhh...., No.

Smart ass ;)

Side: Yeeeaaahhh...., No.



Side: Yeeeaaahhh...., No.