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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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joecavalry(40163) pic

Not for me but..., some of you may like them ;)

1 point

I personally don't really like these, at all.

Want to see a ridiculously good tattooist?

Don't worry that's not his personal page, just a business page, no stalking ;)

I'm still speechless looking through his work, if I had the money to go to Ukraine....

1 point

These are so amazing! O_O

1 point

WOW! That is talent!

A body artist.

human skin be his canvas,

blood and ink his paint.

1 point

I really like the one on the second link (I think) with the clouds and birds. But I don't usually ever cared for color tattoos. I like the black ones. Simple.

1 point

I wouldnt get one, but I can see some aeshetic value in them. I kinda like the ones that look like paint smears, you see so much of the same bullshit tats on people/sheep, its nice to see something original.

1 point

The thing about art is that every once in a while you will get a result of a true artist. Tattoos, while awesome, have become something too common and cliche. I don't mind them on someone, and they still look pretty cool. Don't get me wrong, if you have a tattoo that is similar to most other tattoos, I'll still probably like them (as long as they're not gay, like a favorite quote or something, you fuckin' hipsters).

But in order for me to see something as true art, it has to break boundaries. It has to make people go "holy shit, that's amazing". And a tattoo of a bunch of flowers or w/e, while very well done and pretty, aren't going to do that. Like I said, I like to see tattoos (don't have any myself, but that's because I don't want to spend 80 bucks to look like everyone else; if I was offered a really cool one for free, or paid to advertise something, I'd consider it). But most of the tattoos you see these days aren't special or amazing.

But I like these tattoos. They look like neato abstract paintings instead of just a mess.

Side: cool