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True. Wait..., what?
Debate Score:52
Total Votes:52
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 True. (24)
 Wait..., what? (18)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Stop teaching men that they should NEVER hit a woman.

Start teaching people:


Why should women be allowed to hit men with impunity?

When you hit someone FIRST,

you lose VICTIM status.



This is how you should treat a woman:




Side Score: 33

Wait..., what?

Side Score: 19

I have to agree with Whoopi on this.. As a mom of two boys 11 and 15 and I have a step daughter who we have in the summer, she has realized that she can hit my son and god for bid he defends him self. She is the same size almost taller than my 11 year old. She plays this girl card all the time. We need to teach our kids regardless of sex, not to put there hands on anyone unless they are fighting to live.

Side: True.

In the video you'll see one smart, black woman and a bunch of stupid white women. ;)

Side: True.
3 points

It was hilarious that they were claiming that Whoopi was doing a blame the victim scenario when she is advocating not hitting someone. If you hit someone before they hit you, you aren't a victim yet.

Side: True.

Men and women should just kiss:)
Side: True.
joecavalry(40163) Clarified
1 point

One woman (I think the blonde) tries to argue that there's a size difference. Maybe she should have argued that women are not in control of their emotions but that men are, 100% of the time; and therefore it should be the man's responsibility to treat the woman as one would a child. I mean, how retarded is that? ;)

Side: True.
DevinSeay(1120) Clarified
1 point

Well there is a size difference unless your fighting Big Bertha or Anorexia Molly.

Side: True.

I agree. Its wrong to hit someone no matter what their genetic makeup.

Side: True.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

The difference between a man and a woman is more than just 'genetic makeup'.

Side: Wait..., what?
DevinSeay(1120) Clarified
1 point

The only thing here is, if a 180lb man hits a 130lbs woman, that woman is going to be out cold. If that woman hit the same man, that man will just shake it off.

But if a woman instigates it, she has it coming.

Side: True.
1 point

It's true, but reasoned poorly, teaching people to not ever hit anyone is, by extension, teaching to not ever hit women. Whether or not you're taught to never hit women has no bearing on whether or not you're taught to hit men.

Side: True.

This is a debate site. The title of the debates needs to get people fired up so they click the link. Then they read the description and say, "Oh." Then they go and pick the wrong side anyway and try to defend it ;)

Side: True.
2 points

Whether or not you're taught to never hit women has no bearing on whether or not you're taught to hit men.

That's the problem. If we only teach one side of it, the other side of it is never realized because it is separate.

Side: True.

Amen, brother ;)

Side: True.
Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

That's the problem. If we only teach one side of it, the other side of it is never realized because it is separate.

I didn't want to sound as if I was opposed to teaching women not to hit men, I was just being nit picky by saying that they're not mutually exclusive.

Side: True.

Never say never. Or...errr....

Very rarely say never.

Side: True.

If there is a credible threat to myself or my family, I will do whatever it takes to protect myself and my family from that threat.

Protecting myself and my own may mean a hasty retreat, that may mean negotiation, that may mean fighting for my life, it may be a combination of the above, it could be something else entirely. It depends on the circumstances and the level of the threat.

In no case do I care about the gender(s) of the threatening party/parties- only whether there is a credible threat, and what my options are to protect myself.

Side: True.
1 point

I'll hit a woman as soon as she starts beating the shit out of me.

Side: True.
1 point

I get what Whoopi is saying here, and I agree.

Women should understand that they are not free to say or do whatever they want without any consequence, but I also don’t think men, or anyone for that matter, should ever consider violence a justified resolution. So no, I don’t think we should stop teaching men to never hit women.

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”

Side: Wait..., what?
Kali94(1) Disputed
1 point

Picture this: You are trapped in a small room, let's say with a 5 feet by 8 feet perimeter, you have no door to let yourself out of, and your are trapped in a corner with a person (who you were just in a heated argument with) repeatedly striking you.

Are you telling me you wouldn't feel any sense of panic or necessity to strike back in defense? Even if you personally would not fight back, are you saying that another person who WOULD react that way wouldn't be justified to do so?

This is the exact scenario Ray Rice found himself in when he was trapped in an elevator with his fiancé. His fiancé has been quoted as admitting to hitting him before he struck her. It is absurd to say he had no right to defend himself. When someone is put in a situation where they feel threatened its is a biological function to either run away or fight the threat that they are confronted with. Since Ray was trapped in an elevator he did not have an option to run which left him with the only option of fighting back

Side: True.
Coldfire(1014) Disputed
1 point

Are you telling me you wouldn't feel any sense of panic or necessity to strike back in defense?

It depends on the threat, but I would most likely try to prevent the attack to the best of my ability such as by restraining the attacker or holding them down until I could get away or help arrived.

Even if you personally would not fight back, are you saying that another person who WOULD react that way wouldn't be justified to do so?

Wouldn’t be justified to start hitting back? No. I don’t believe two wrongs make a right.

His fiancé has been quoted as admitting to hitting him before he struck her. It is absurd to say he had no right to defend himself.

Defending oneself can take many forms that don’t require fist fights. Hugging the person tight and restraining them until they either calm down or aid arrives for instance.

When someone is put in a situation where they feel threatened its is a biological function to either run away or fight the threat that they are confronted with.

A biological instinct when someone strikes you in a vulnerable area is to guard that area, if we are struck in the head we reflexively move our arms up to shield the area. The decision to retaliate can serve as a defense mechanism as well but it is not a reflex, it is a conscious learned behavior, and as I said it can take several forms.

Side: Wait..., what?
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

So no, I don’t think we should stop teaching men to never hit women.

This statement implies that women are not held to any standard.

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”

This implies that women should be held to the same standard.

You have conflicting ideas. It isn't about saying that it is ok for men to hit women, but changing it to people shouldn't hit other people. Remove gender from the discussion.

Side: True.

Maybe he is saying that women are incompetent ;)

Side: True.
Coldfire(1014) Disputed
1 point

You assume too much. It should be obvious, considering even you noticed it, that I do not intend to imply that women be held at a different standard.

“Women should understand that they are not free to say or do whatever they want without any consequence”

”I also don’t think men, or anyone for that matter, should ever consider violence a justified resolution.”

”“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.””

”So no, I don’t think we should stop teaching men to never hit women”

My statement here was in direct response to the debate question. Whatever incorrect assumptions that can be drawn from it are not my implication.

Next time you want to dispute someone based on your own incorrect assumptions, I recommend you request clarity from them instead.

Side: Wait..., what?
1 point

"Should" is relative. You can teach yours whatever you want, I'll teach mine what I see fit. I personally believe in violence and that men should not hit women.

Side: Wait..., what?

So it's OK for women to hit men all they want? ;)

Side: Wait..., what?
DevinSeay(1120) Disputed
1 point

I personally believe in violence and that men should not hit women.

I'm pretty sure your male son will differ with your opinion since you believe in violence but also teach him he can't defend himself.

Side: True.