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 The problem with burkas is that they want you to buy sight unseen. (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

The problem with burkas is that they want you to buy sight unseen.

An ambassador to Dubai has annulled his marriage: his bride had never revealed herself, wearing the full Islamic face-covering Niqab on the occasions the couple had met. After the wedding he tenderly lifted the veil to kiss her...

...which is when, according to the BBC, he found she was "cross-eyed and had facial hair." The mysterious ambassador — who is revealed only to be from "an Arab country" — told a Sharia court that his bride's mother had tricked him by showing him pictures of her sister.

The court agreed to let him annul, but refused a claim for $130,000 in compensation for gifts he'd bought his special bearded lady.

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Man! Talk about your classic bait and switch ;)

I guess her parents are stuck with her now ;)

They should let her come to America. Not only do we have the best doctors and health care and all of that but we also have the best plastic surgeons. She can come and get an extreme makeover. If she lets it be televised she can even have it done for free. Good country America ;)

Give us your cross eyed, your bearded, your ugly people, we'll give them a complete makeover with good old American know how ;)

Saffron(94) Disputed
1 point

"and health care"

That's a joke, right?


What do you mean? I get great health care. But then again, I can afford it ;)

1 point

What was this guy thinking? He got married to her without ever even seeing her face? Did they not kiss at all?

1 point

Wow. It didn't make me laugh, but I smiled for a very long time.

But due to the lack of detailed information there's a possibility it could be a false story.

He should have snuck a peak!

But the real question is, what should happen to the lying mother-in-law.

1 point

It's a normal thing in many countries. Even in India bride switching is a common practice where people change the bride at the last moment to trick the groom into marrying some ugly goat.

In fact, I have even heard stories about marriages where it was found out at the last moment that the bride was changed and then the groom and their family started beating the shit out of the people from the bride's family.

The world is a funny place. Islam is a funny religion. Muslims are a funny breed of humans.

P.S: I am a muslim, so any radical muslims out there, don't take no offense. I know stuff cause I have seen it with my own eyes.