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 WARNING: This debate contains liberal bashing. (22)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

2 points

Democrats are the educated party that is for workers and the common man, including minorities. Republicans are a few rich people who are good at manipulating the stupid through fear, racism, and ignorance.

Which is why "liberal bashing" consists of silly or inaccurate pictures, character assassinations, and broad generalizations.

While "conservitive bashing" consists of facts.

I'm confused. The Democrats are the party of the blue collar worker. The Democrat party is the party that wants to raise taxes on the rich in order to pay for benefits for those who are too educationally challenged to hold a high paying job (i.e., blue collar workers)... so how can the Democrats be the party of the educated? The educated are capable of obtaining a high paying job given the nature of their education.

Liberalism consists of silly or inaccurate pictures, character assassinations, and broad generalizations because they are so educationally challenged that they have to resort to name calling in any given argument. One overly used liberal generalization is calling conservatives racists. Which, I may add, is exactly what you did in the second sentence of your argument (if you don't count the link as a sentence).

Mental Note: How many sentences can a liberal type in an argument before calling you a racist ;)

While conservatives consists of facts.

OK, so let me get this straight. It is exactly because of this "Southern Strategy" that the republican party has high ranking blacks such as Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, etc. Oh wait..., that can't be right... Oh well..., chalk it up to liberal logic ;)

Hey..., look what I found:

"...the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party,"

Maybe we should talk about the Democrat's Southern Strategy ;)

1 point


... exactly Joe. That is about the time the "Southern Strategy" was developed by the Republican party in order to get back the blue colar southern vote. The Republican party was dead without it because they did not have Fox to brainwash people back then. It worked. Shortly after the south switched by and large to the Republican party, including the klan. The Democratic party in direct opposition adopted the previously ignored positions of equal rights etc next to their previous policies of supporting working class over the aristorcracy.

The Republican party, beginning with opposition to equal rights, slowly turned into the hateful shell of disproven economic theory, pro-class segregation disguised as "pull yourself up by your bootstraps", global cowardice disguised as cowboy diplomacy, and corporate and special interest pandering it is today.

You are the perfect Republican because you can read two separate dates something happened (my link and yours) and still not make the obvious correlation. This is the type of attention span the right wing needs to survive.

Ignore 3 years of job growth because this second unemployment is still high.

Ignore 2 wars and a tax cut for the rich is what created the deficit, instead blame social programs even though social programs if anything have been scaled back since.

Ignore that every country with a healthcare plan like that we recently adopted has lead to better healthcare for everyone for less money because that's confusing and it's so much easier to just repeat the slogans the health insurance industry is feeding me.

And cling to these and a range of other self-destructive ideas like a religion all while not quite understanding why people who are different from me should really be allowed to do things like get married.

Hey..., guess which Democrat Senator was a member of the KKK...

I'll give you a hint:


iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

You mean the guy who didn't get into politics until the 50's and "He was briefly a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, but later left the group and denounced racial intolerance" before ever being elected?

That guy?

Democrats are the educated party that is for workers and the common man, including minorities. Republicans are a few rich people who are good at manipulating the stupid through fear, racism, and ignorance.

Workers and the common man? I guess thats why they want higher taxes and more regulation. Also, this is a prime example this, democrats just use fear and racism as an excuse for everything.

Which is why "liberal bashing" consists of silly or inaccurate pictures, character assassinations, and broad generalizations.

Explain to me how its inaccurate, because Democrats were the pro-slavery party and were the one's who passed the gag rule.

While "conservitive bashing" consists of facts.

It doesn't consist of facts, it consists of stuff you picked up from watching the YoungTurks and MSNBC

And, your view of racism is bit far from the truth.

There's nothing like good old fashion liberal bashing to start a morning right ;)

1 point


1 point

We need change in America, Obama keeps telling us that on TV. Why don't you people listen to the good word?

Oh those poor rich people having to contribute their fair share to the wellbeing of society. How dare those commie bastards make you care about other humans! Why can't we just have a completely private system where the poor are forced to die instead, and the rich are forced to pay even more by way of the hospital giving them unnecessary treatment in order to stay in the competition. Grow up and stop pretending to be a persecuted minority. And stop pretending it's only "rich" people who pay taxes. Everyone pays fucking taxes. I'll tell you what was theft, the private hospital my friend went to when he holidayed in America that unnecessarily put him on a heart monitor against his will to squeeze a profit out of him, when all he had was a broken finger.

ChuckHades(3197) Disputed
2 points

Oh those poor rich people having to contribute their fair share to the wellbeing of society.

What's fair about forcibly taking money from those that legally obtained it?

Why can't we just have a completely private system where the poor are forced to die instead, and the rich are forced to pay even more by way of the hospital giving them unnecessary treatment in order to stay in the competitio

Oh shit, PrayerFails is gonna be on your ass like Michael Jackson in a nursery...

Grow up and stop pretending to be a persecuted minority. And stop pretending it's only "rich" people who pay taxes. Everyone pays fucking taxes.

No-one should have to though.

1 point

Oh those poor rich people having to contribute their fair share to the wellbeing of society. How dare those commie bastards make you care about other humans!

You understand stealing from rich people at gun point isn't exactly for the wellbeing of society right?

Why can't we just have a completely private system where the poor are forced to die instead, and the rich are forced to pay even more by way of the hospital giving them unnecessary treatment in order to stay in the competition.

Oh no, someone read to much Karl Marx and thinks that the private sector is evil and somehow the government would be full of little angels with unlimited money who care about us.

Grow up and stop pretending to be a persecuted minority. And stop pretending it's only "rich" people who pay taxes. Everyone pays fucking taxes. I'll tell you what was theft, the private hospital my friend went to when he holidayed in America that unnecessarily put him on a heart monitor against his will to squeeze a profit out of him, when all he had was a broken finger.

Rich people pay a higher percentage on a higher amount, so they pay more than you. You know what theft is, a bunch socialists taking money from rich people at gunpoint and the threat of being thrown in jail. Grow up and realize that you have to work in life to get things, you don't go crying to the government to steal these things for you.

What's so bad about letting people die? Think about it this way, if it's OK to abort a fetus, then it's OK to let people die. Alternatively, if you want to put a dent in Global Warming, then you must let people die in order to reduce the carbon foot print. Look, you can't have it both ways. So pick one. We either give up abortion and forget about global warming (i.e., let nature take its course) or we let people die. What's the big deal? People die all day everyday. Hell, life is a sexually transmitted, terminal disease. If you are alive you are infected and will die. No one has survived life. You start the process of dying the second you are born. Get over it ;)

Isn't the right to force others to work for you what you libertarians/conservatives want?

2 points

No, forcing someone to work is called slavery, forcing someone to pay is called theft. When democrats support keeping slavery they support forcing people to work, and when they support all these massive government social programs they support extrortion. Incase you haven't noticed, big government works like organized crime.