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 What if the Rapture were to really happen? (13)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What if the Rapture were to really happen?

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What if planet Earth is just a "human" farm (like a puppy farm) and aliens are coming to collect the "acceptable" humans and leave the rest of us here? I don't want to develop kennel cough ;)

The Rapture doesn't refer to aliens coming to judge humans based on their healthiness and physical qualities. That's something entirely different; though probably more likely than an actual Rapture. The Rapture refers to some kind of God descending from Heaven and judging every man woman and child on Earth. Those who have believed will ascend into Heaven, and those who have not believed will be put through Hell on Earth before their ascent to Heaven to pay for their sins. This is different than everyone's personal Judgment Day, which [supposedly] occurs just moments after someone has passed on.

But what you're describing is I said, probably more likely...but different.

Did you see the video? I don't think you saw the video. If you saw the video then you would see that it is not about aliens. you should see the video ;)

I didn't watch the video...that's quite funny, actually hahaha

1 point

I think the raputure will happen one of these days that I am alive. Jesus Christ is going to take his believers to heaven,and all the athiest or people who didnt believe in him will be left behind, and nobody know when it could happen it could happen 5 hours from now , tommorow , or 10 years from now it could happen. But I think that Jesus is going to come soon because most of the signs have becoming true like earthquakes in areas you dont expect. Weird weather is happening around the world, there is rumor of wars. People are going against Israel. Once the rapture happens thats when the antichrist is going to say eveything is fine and everyone will think he's god when he is not.

Once the rapture happens that's when the antichrist is going to say everything is fine and everyone will think he's god when he is not.

Are you talking about Obama ;)

1 point

That's exactly what I've been telling people for a while.

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Obama is not the antichrist. If he was then all the Christians should be gone because of the rapture and it hasn't happened

1 point

What if we travel through time into Earth's future and find out that we did all get wiped out and now it is ruled by living gingerbread men who are at war with living teddy bears over a secret stash of cotton candy! I think this future is as believable and probable as the Rapture!

1 point

Yes the Rapture will happen it could happen at any moment during the day or night. The signs from the Bible have already happen now we are waiting for God to take his people up to heaven.

Yes..., that is what they say. The rapture could happen at any mo.....