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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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joecavalry(40130) pic

What's your take on this immigration story?

This is a story about Felipe.  It is a story that is similar to that of many children and teenagers who are brought or sent to the United States. Their families hope to escape hardship, persecution or poverty. The children study hard and excel in school.

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3 points

I feel sorry for the children and people from other countries that are unable to get a sound education. A lot of times I feel that many American children don't appreciate the privileged it is to go to school. Though the children try hard, I can understand where the American government is coming from. They gave him the opportunity to live here, even when facing deportation, and let him get a primary and secondary education. The American taxpayers are the ones that have to pay for him to get financial aid. Why should he be allowed to go to college for the same price as someone else who pays taxes?

Side: He shouldn't recieve financial aid

My take on it is that:

1. The poorest American has it better than a lot of people in other countries.

2. We should help these immigrants get college degrees.

3. We should then send those immigrants back so that they can help transform their respective country. Otherwise, if we allow them to stay, it will create a "brain drain" that will have a negative effect on the rest of the world (while, at the same time, benefiting the U.S.).

Side: He shouldn't recieve financial aid

Other countries already send students into our schools all over the world, but the problem is not they are already born in privileged families, so it doesn't really help. I would agree.

Side: He shouldn't recieve financial aid
2 points

Lets say the government changes its stance and we allow Illegal Aliens to get "financial aid' for collage or in state tuition, they fill out the paper work and have no income what so ever (all payments have been under the table) so the kid gets a full boat scholarship and an American kid (citizen) has to go to the community collage because no aid is available for the working family's kid and the last seat was taken at the good schools by an illegal alien. sounds fair to me! if I moved to Brazil would I get a free ride to collage?

Side: He shouldn't recieve financial aid