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 Where will you see yourself in 10 years? (15)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Where will you see yourself in 10 years?

Besides a mirror...

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2 points

Taking over your account when you're dead.

I'll sell it to you now. ;)

Not on Createdebate anymore.----------------------------------------------------

I bet because you leeched enough off it's knowledge.

Playing tennis professionally

Finally meeting Hellno

1 point

Hopefully in a house with my steady dream job and to own my cats and dogs :)

1 point

to own my cats and dogs

This threw me off a little. It sounds like you are saying you want to own your pets as opposed to leasing them. :)

1 point

Married O.o, living in a large house in the suburbs with a great job and hopefully debt-free after college.

1 point

Not married, not in university, not with a job, not with a car, and not in this country. I really don't see my self in any of those things. I can imagine my self as a 60 year old, but not past that. I don't think I'm going to live to be very old..!

I don't really see my self in 10 years time, so I don' know what's going to happen..!

I see myself done with my education hopefully. It is probably going to take longer, since i will have a kid to take care of. I hope I have a healthy child who has been raised properly.

I'm not for big houses, cars and expensive stuff like that. It is most likely not going to happen for me in only 10 years anyway, and I don't see the point of aiming at something I can't hit.

1 point

As a Norman knight, duh. And maybe a PhD student?

1 point

I see myself married and have a good paying job to support my family and my house.

1 point

Six feet under. I doubt I will live that long. .

dead probably