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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Of course. Nope, never.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Of course. (2)
 Nope, never. (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Will the iPad ever replace paper?

Of course.

Side Score: 2

Nope, never.

Side Score: 4

NOT THE iPad, but the HUMANCENTiPAD. This will replace everything.

Side: Of course.
1 point

For sure it will, well maybe not the ipad but something like it, ever watch Star Trek, they used tablets for all there reading, studying, ect. paper is only useful when we are around trees, in space I don't think we have have trees, and even here on earth overtime as we can all ready see, paper is fading away and for many good reasons, mainly waste reasons.

As for cleaning our asses, well lets remember we humans didn't always use paper, they used everything from corn husk to our own hands, in the future we might see some type of sonic shower like in Star Trek to clean our asses lol, link below to see what I am talking about.

Supporting Evidence: Sonic shower (
Side: Of course.

You can't wipe your ass with an iPad. ;)

Side: Nope, never.

NO,because a newer setup will make the ipad look like a record player,apple will go bankrupt trying to sell stupid shit like glasses and a fucking watch,i have troubles typing on a ipad mini so the watches must be for when we all have helper monkeys,monkey argue on line for me an order me a new ipad nose ring

Side: Nope, never.

But the iPad will make reading so much better because you can pinch in with your fingers to make the print larger.

Side: Nope, never.