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Oh, you betcha. Nope. I've had enough.
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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 Oh, you betcha. (6)
 Nope. I've had enough. (12)

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jolie(9810) pic

Will you support Obama up to and including his last day in office and do as he asks?

Oh, you betcha.

Side Score: 7

Nope. I've had enough.

Side Score: 13
2 points

Why not? He has done a lot of good and clearly has good intentions based on his historical behavior prior to becoming president and during it.

He has made a lot of good decisions.

Side: Oh, you betcha.
Ignoramis(381) Clarified
1 point

Unless it was something very ridiculous. Like asking me to jump off a bridge or something similar.

Side: Oh, you betcha.
1 point

To use a conservative point: "He has kept us safe!" Much safer than Dubya did. He allowed 9/11, "he paid them back" with the lives of over 5000 Americans .... take THAT bin Laden! He has brought us back from a 6000 Stock Market to over 17000, he has improved healthcare for millions, and it would be for MORE and BETTER if not for the obstruction of un-patriotic conservatives!

If you haven't noticed, his popularity in all but conservative polls is around 50%. In Dubya's last stand he was at around 27%. In Presidential popularity polls he rates around the Reagans, Clintons, Eisenhowers and Kennedy's. Last I knew Dubya was 38-39th out of 44 ...not that good!

The U.S. economy has historically done MUCH better under a Democratic President .... common knowledge. Of course, conservatives say that's due to the conservative President who lost the last election. (chuckle!)

Side: Oh, you betcha.
2 points

Every President deserves fair scrutiny. I will never do what any of them ask simply because they're asking. It has to make sense.

With that said, I still think much of what Obama says makes a lot more sense then most of what his radical conservative racist holy roller critics have to say.

Side: Nope. I've had enough.
1 point

I don't like him, and I don't like Hillary. But, he is showing the first signs of including the Sanders supporters in the discussion. He can swing this election way away from Trump.

Side: Nope. I've had enough.
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
2 points

It's already going to. The only reason Trump started rising in the polls is because he was the uncontested Republican nominee, while Hilary was still in a rather heated primary. Polling that takes place in the months preceding June generally has the Republican nominee leading for this very reason.

Hillary will almost certainly start pulling further away from him now that the primary is essentially over.

Side: Oh, you betcha.
1 point

Trump also gained in the polls when he started moving closer to center.

Side: Nope. I've had enough.
1 point

I've never liked this clown, why start supporting him this late in the game?

I told everybody I knew not to vote for him. What did I keep hearing though?

But, he's Black...

Side: Nope. I've had enough.
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
2 points

Statistically, the number of people who voted for him based on race lies somewhere under 10%, a few percentage points above those who voted against him because of his race.

The reason why you should have voted for him is because his opponents were ridiculous.

Side: Oh, you betcha.
Ayemaker(237) Disputed
1 point

Are you black? If not, stfu. I'm telling you from direct experience asshat. That was the reason it ultimately boiled down to for most of my family members.

Side: Nope. I've had enough.