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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yes. No.
Debate Score:106
Total Votes:124
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 Yes. (26)
 No. (45)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

can we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

I mean, gay people claim that, given the option, they would not chose that  life style and the religious right doesn't want anyone to be gay.

So what if doctors could identify gay fetuses and give people the option to abort?  Talk about screwing with the religious right's moral compass ;)

Maybe they can come up with a way to "fix" gay fetuses before they are born.

Maybe they will figure out how to "fix" gayness after the fact.

Wouldn't that be easier than trying to convince people to just be cool about gay people?

And..., if we were to stamp out gayness (like we stamped out Polio) we wouldn't have to debate gay marriage ever again.

Of course, there may be some negative consequences.  For example, less fashion designers, less interior decorators, less hair dressers, etc.


Side Score: 39


Side Score: 67

It's an idea whose time has come ;)

Side: Yes.
Gaytruth(38) Disputed
2 points

It's an idea whose time has come ;)

1. It is not genetic

Side: No.
kaveri(319) Disputed
1 point

It is genetic, I know that your stone age based personal belief system does not like it but it is genetic and it does no harm.

Just because you are religious zealot facts will not disappear... You can deny it as much as you want, create how many debates you want but guess what? It will not change :D

Side: Yes.
3 points

Only if they want it to be eradicated but yes because that would make many, many people happy.

Side: Yes.
1 point

an we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

If there is one we should get rid of it

Side: Yes.
kaveri(319) Disputed
2 points

it does no harm .

Side: No.
1 point


Side: Yes.
1 point

What is a man? A creature bound to its religion who says being gay is wrong? No, as a religious person I don't think so. We have the freedom to be whatever we want to be. It's our choice to lead a 'gay' life if we want to or just 'hide' is (really, it's been proven that there are more gay people out there than we might think).

I think it's also up to the parents of the fetus but...just give that kid the freedom it deserves. Love is unlimited and has many forms. I think being gay is not wrong at all.

Side: Yes.

The debate is not about right or wrong. The debate is, does the gay gene cause more problems than it is worth ;)

Side: Yes.
1 point

Well.. yes. I'm not saying gay people should be wiped out, but the possibility of someone becoming gay should be. This is a good solution because:

a: Gay people do not lose their rights

b: Fundamentalists will not have to deal with any new gay people

Side: Yes.
-1 points

can we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

This would reduce the percentage of sinners

Side: Yes.

According to this debate: Can weallagreethatthereshouldnotbeanylawsbanningabortions

We shouldn't care about the sinners because it's not our job to police them. Let us let God deal with them. That's his job. ;)

Side: Yes.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
4 points

From 100% to 100%? That's not really a reduction.

Side: No.
3 points

Let He who is without sin cast the first stone. -Jesus .

Side: No.

Didn't Mary then cast the first stone and Jesus said, "Maaaa!!!!" ;)

Side: No.
Gaytruth(38) Disputed
1 point

Let He who is without sin cast the first stone. -Jesus .

I am not gay so I can judge on this matter

Side: Yes.

I love when so called tolerant progressives say how much they love gays, but would than allow a gay fetus to be aborted. To say that gays is not born is to me the very definition of homophobia. I also object to killing a fetus based on based on biological sex or ethnicity. So called tolerant progressive who allow these things are in my personal opinions bigots. All humans are endowed by their Creator with equal rights. Gendercide is not cool. Gaycide is not cool. Ethnicide is not cool. This is part of what pushed me away from that worldview. Joe, my statement is to answer your question, not to accuse you. ;)

Side: No.
2 points

Yet another weep for mankind..

Side: No.
2 points

Umms........ Naah, I don't think so ;) Now I don't want to bring up the whole "whittle mankind down to a perfect race" statement thing again, and start talking about you-know-who, but seriously man, instead of trying to eradicate it, thus encouraging peoples intolerance- grow the fuck up and accept the fact not everyone is going to be an exemplary human being.

Side: No.

Should we, for example, not figure out how to extend our life time? Should we not figure out how to make babies with a particular hair or eye color? What is a worth while en devour to pursue and what isn't? And most importantly, who decides? ;)

Side: No.
Jungelson(3959) Disputed
1 point

No it's not worth it, and you're not the one to decide :)

Answer your question satisfactorily?

Side: Yes.

Homosexuality is not hereditary. If it were then it would have eradicated as there is no way it could have been passed on as Gays can't reproduce together.

Side: No.

I'm not saying that it is hereditary. I am asking if we should try to figure out what causes it, how to identify it in the womb, and how to reverse it. ;)

Side: No.

1. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to "cure" somebody from being homosexual.

2. They would retaliate and attack the straight gene

Side: No.

What I am saying is, leave the gay people alone. But suppress the gene. ;)

Side: No.
hulkster(3) Disputed
1 point

I am definitely sure that you are not sure about anything, try reading some books, moron. idiotobx would not know his ass from a hole in the ground

Side: Yes.

It's not a gene. It's just one of natures accidents. It's not something that is carried over, it's the result of a chemical reaction that occurred during the earliest stages of a person's body.

Side: No.

Should we try to understand what causes that, how to detect it, and how to reverse it or make sure it doesn't happen? ;)

Side: No.

I don't see why we should.

Side: No.
1 point

Why bother? What it has to do with you anyway? BTW the gene was found couple of years ago.

Side: No.

Maybe it can ease some pain people are experiencing ;)

Side: No.
1 point

Being gay does no harm, being religious zealot does kill people...

Side: No.
1 point

Should we find the bigot gene and eradicate it? Oh wait that's a choice. Wow that really makes you look like an ass.

Side: No.

It makes who look like an ass? ;)

Side: No.
-1 points

can we all agree that we should identify the gay gene and eradicate it?

Being gay is a choice

Side: No.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

An overwhelming number of people disagree with you. That isn't part of this debate, check out this debate

Side: No.
Gaytruth(38) Disputed
0 points

An overwhelming number of people disagree with you. That isn't part of this debate, check out this debate

Actually that is not true most people on the debate you gave me said it was a choice and Americans are divided about 51 percent against it being a choice with 49 percent being it for. The majority wins and even if it didn't God is the ultimate judge

Side: Yes.
1 point

Being gay is a choice No it isn't. I did not choose to be bisexual.

Side: Yes.
Gaytruth(38) Disputed
1 point

No it isn't. I did not choose to be bisexual.

It is a choice to act upon those feelings

Side: No.
kaveri(319) Disputed
1 point

Being a gay is about a choice as you picking pick your eye color

Side: Yes.