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7thDebater's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 7thDebater's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I never really thought of a lot of this. Thanks for making me feel even more happy to be a guy Joe.

1 point

If God considered us like mosquitoes, then we wouldn't be here. Its as simple as that.

1 point

Haha, in this case, you definitely cant beat the book. .

1 point

I think it would be awesome if when you died you got to see any stat about your whole life. And you could even look at all the instances like they were videos.

7thDebater(294) Clarified
1 point

lol are you even African? .

3 points

Nope. There are probably at least 2 billion people that don't relate to this at all.

1 point

Are there intelligent life forms out there beyond our solar system?

Why does the NHL have such a bad point system?

Why are the childrens shows now a days so terrible?

Will mankind ever run into problems with AI/Robots/Computer systems taking over and attacking or causing problems?

Will i live to see the day when humans learn to use their full brain potential?

1 point

Why are simple, stupid games so addicting ?

1 point

That little picture is very funny. Society is the cause of many problems, and in todays world society is kind of crippled. So I would say no based on this.

1 point

That was really random........... but still funny. Although it wouldn't surprise me if the company did the spelling thing on purpose.

1 point

Well, if that's what it is, then bee barf is delicious .

1 point

Even if we don't become friends, we would both probably want to survive so we so would help each help eachother. Also, I assume we would most likely settle our differences.

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