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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. No....
Debate Score:50
Total Votes:53
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 True. (17)
 No.... (22)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

For all we know, God considers us mosquitoes.


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 31
1 point


What's your point? You assume that God perceives mosquitoes in the same negative way that most Humans do? Impossible, that would be beneath him.

Side: True.

OK, but don't come crying to me if when you die you go and try to sit on his lap and he smacks you down ;)

Side: True.
1 point

You reeeeally need to stop trying to be funny.

Side: True.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You posted on the wrong side. You clearly believe God can't feel that way.

Side: No....
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
2 points

You misunderstand. I agree that It's possible that God thinks of us as "mosquitoes". What I disagreed with, is the implication that God has the same low opinion of mosquitoes as we do.

Side: True.
1 point

As moralities grow closer to perfect in human beings, we find that human beings begin to recognize the sanctity of life of other species who exhibit behavior we recognize as love. First, human beings tend to value "higher" animals or pets that we've domesticated and had relationships with or can empathize with in some other way. Dogs, cats, and horses. Next, other animals have been recognized as having "higher" status through our observance of their evident intelligence and empathizing with their strong family bonds. We've seen dolphins play. We've trained apes to sign language. We've watched elephants mourn. And for the best people we've ever known, the following might be said for him: He wouldn't swat a fly.

If God exists, He must be our standard for morality. How could He even CONSIDER swatting a fly?

So, God considering us mosquitos is kind of true, but a loaded way to look at it. It is preferable to say God values everyone, including mosquitos.

Side: True.
4 points

Probably considers us worse. Why would He let mosquitoes kill so many of us if it weren't the case?

Side: No....
2 points

For all we know

What exactly do we know about what God, again?

Side: No....
2 points

Nothing. Heck, "for all we know" God IS a mosquito...

Side: No....
1 point

If God considered us like mosquitoes, then we wouldn't be here. Its as simple as that.

Side: No....
HumannamuH(209) Disputed
1 point

Science may not have an answer to which we all can agree life began (except for the contraversail Big Bang) you could say that religion is fundamentally faith and it doens't require proof. Also, science is in its early stages compared to religion, but both share the same enigma - neither can prove God exists/ did exist.

Side: True.
0 points

God created us for his enjoyment. But then we disobeyed him after the Fall. But God still Loves us. God has always loved us and will continue to Love us. Gods Grace is greater than all our sin. Its because of his Love that he gives us Grace. Therefore; God's Love is greater than all our sin. God loved us so much he sent his son on Earth to die for us and rise again. I know that God for sure loves us Humans more than the Universe itself. If God didn't love us we would all be in Hell right now. The Earth would of been destroyed after Adam and Eve. And since God knows all things in all time(past,present,and future) then heck why did he created us if he knew he would never love us. God loves us so much he sent us his son. God loves us and does not consider us as Mosquitoes.

Side: No....
opinion1377 Disputed
1 point

Haha! You sound foolish! First I do not believe in a God.well to clarify I do not follow a god. Not one. Nor do I follow Satan. So throw that shit in the trash. Some background on me. I grew up forced to go to church. As a teenager I went to church Sunday and wed. I even got baptized at age 13.I wasn't old enough to really think and understand much. I just went off of what my parents had taught me. But as I got older I realized I am just faking this. Going through the motions. To be honest. I despise your god. The one that loves ALL the people.many many reasons. The whole you gotta have faith is a bunch of crap! Its pitiful to think that if your god is real I would hate him. Because you talk about abortion like its so bad. And god this god that. Shut the fuck up! Is what I tell you. People like you who FORCE religion upon others. You don't care about being people's friend. You just want to hear them say. I have accepted Christ in my heart and I will forever repent for all my sins. Why do you do this?!?! You decieve and lie. Spreading around this religion all around is what christains do the most. They rely on prayer for everything. I have a challenge. You get sick. You can pray but you are going to die. Without proper care and medicine. I don't understand how people are soooo into this lying evil god. He is no good! He doesn't love you. He just loves chaos! Why make things complicated. Why create life? If he knows everything why fuck us all up! He didn't like his first batch of humans. So he drowned them! And only kept his blind followers. "According to the bible" Noah. And yes I am pro choice. Also key point. God MURDERS BABIES! When god instructed moses to free his people and pharoah said no. God killed all firstborn sons. God is a LIAR. The biggest lie! And us humans are blind to see the chaos all in this world is caused by religion! And the worst god is the lord. He "sacrificed" his son for your and my sins.WHY? SO WE WOULD BE FORGIVEN. BUT WHY!!!!!!!!! I am enraged at this god. So angry. Put behind all the pop culture in the world and think. How angry I am with him. How I was a fool to once believe in him. Don't ignore all the negative. Thatis what makes you crazy. People in Iraq fighting terrorists killing for their "religion". Pro-life pro-choice arguments. Racissm . murders. It all happens. Because god is selfish and likes to see this. He WANTS to see people against each other. And he LOVES it when people still FOLLOW & WORSHIP him. Why!!!! I ask. For he is the cause of all the fucking issues in the world. I will not follow you! I refuse.I am a good person! I express myself through anger and hatred when I know I shouldnt . but why should I stop. I've stayed silent for a long time! People don't see what you have done. What's written In the book was meant to be there. A challenge to see if the people would forgive and forget what you have done in the past. Why. So when you destroy the world. Put me in hell like you have always said. Because I don't satisfy you. Just like unborn babies. I have no choice either as well as the rest.we all die. You are the evil gambled with the devil on job. He worked hard for what he got. You betrayed him! Killed his family took everything away from him. He still followed you though. You fooled a great man. Way to go you heathen. Really evil. What's next?

Side: No....