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AntiExcon's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I'm not a pollster.. But, if I got it WRONG last time by only polling in Austin, I'd poll Bumfuk this time..

They aren't polling bumfuk. They are still polling the same liberal cities as before. And Communists use fake polls tactically to arouse or defuse enthusiasm to vote. It probably won't work as well as in the past due to quick access to be able to fact check everything they promote or claim.

1 point

But, it's the SAME right wing "mindset" that OPPOSED civil rights in the '60's, that OPPOSES them today

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

Which civil rights do Republicans currently oppose, so we'll both know.

AntiExcon(29) Clarified
1 point

Mkay, I'll go first. I BELIEVE that not ALL right wingers are racists and white supremacists..

If they are, it seems like now would be their perfect excuse to act. They are not.

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