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Apollo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Apollo's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

That was a great episode of Top Gear. I believe that is the Marauder. This is how I will arrive at my wedding... ;)

3 points

Oh come on! That is so childish! Better idea: spam her debates by posting random things in ALL CAPS and links to animal porn. Much less childish...

1 point

Since you didn't dispute any of my arguments, I will simply repost them to give you a second chance. And two can play the down-vote game.


"I am forced to pay for things that are against my religious beliefs: useless wars, torture, giving aid to terrorists (Pakistani government).

Does that mean I don't have to pay taxes?!

And these freakin Christians can complain about their rights once they stop taking away those of woman and gays in the name of their religion."

4 points

The hell he can!

I am forced to pay for things that are against my religious beliefs: useless wars, torture, giving aid to terrorists (Pakistani government).

Does that mean I don't have to pay taxes?!

And these freakin Christians can complain about their rights once they stop taking away those of woman and gays in the name of their religion.

1 point

After successfully stalking joe as he was stalking others, I can confirm this.


Although, in his defense, I never once saw him looking at debates on child pornography...

3 points

Your argument:

We know God is perfect. How? Well he is perfect.

You can't just state the proof statement and call it fact. I am omniscient. Wanna know why? Because I am.

1 point

This is a bad idea because most of the stuff the video showed was to occupy little kids

That is probably the best part of it (for parents).

Also another reason why its not good is because you could easily get the window dirty

Paper towel + water

I wouldn't want that little friend to follow me whenever I would go on a trip

Then don't turn it on.

Usually when I am on a trip somewhere that is long a usually bring nothing that has a screen on it. I mostly bring books, look out the window, take a nap, and other things.

There is no law mandating you use it for the duration of your trip.

2 points

I'd like to think I have more arm muscles than that...


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