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This personal waterfall shows you all of Azze's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"the world may never know......................................................................................................................................................."

1 point

HONESTY!!! If you aren't honest with you children they are going to learn how to lie to you. Kids don't need nor want their parents to be their friends or their pals, they want parents! They want someone to show them what is right and wrong. Children need to be nurtured and cared for, but in a mature way. If you are shellfish person or mature, you shouldn't have kids in my opinion. But the biggest thing is that children need honesty. The truth. And that is not saying you should tell you kids everything, for example "I was a HUGE pot head in high school." Their is a limit. Be honest but only on a "need to know bases." Tell them about drugs and sex. Tell how to be safe, and if anything tell them to do drugs for the first time with you. (Father/mother and son/daughter first beer/cigarette/joint/whatever). That way your kids feel safe to come to you with anything, because they trust you and they know that their parents aren't going to flip out or go crazy. That's another thing, keep you're cool when it comes to parenting. I know it is hard, kids are a pain in the ass. But if they know that you may get upset or angry or disappointed they should always know and feel that they can come to you because you are a safe person they can trust.

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