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Bohemian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bohemian's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

He makes a similar sort of argument in another debate I am in. Here's the highlight of that debate:

Jace: Language is subjective, so it is a relatively simple matter for someone to regard conception as abortion..

Bohemian: And if I regard my couch as a rocket-ship then that makes me an astronaut.

Supporting Evidence: Click (
1 point

So that would be a 'No' then. Gotcha.


1 point

Are you going to address your intentional misquotations or are you going to keep playing this game.

1 point

The Red Herring is where ?

The red herring is in every post in this thread, where you avoid discussing that sleazy slimy business you did with your quotations. Manipulating a quotation to make it appear as if someone said something that they did not, to suit your own needs, demonstrates a lack of integrity. That's what I commented on. That's why I am in this thread/debate. That's what you are avoiding talking about. The longer you play this game the more spineless you make yourself out to be.

1 point

This is a red herring. My post was in regard to your dishonest quotation manipulation.

2 points

-Cue tantrum

1 point

You might notice the name and picture of the person you are replying to is different, as I have said no such words.

Though I find your changing of Cartman's quote to be pretty pathetic. You even changed it back, so there is no possibility that you didn't notice it. Clearly you did, and just didn't care. It would benefit you to show more integrity in future posts.

1 point

I don't care what people think about Brexit, state your opinion as you may, but if you are going to quote someone changing their words to suit yourself is pretty slimy and dishonest.

1 point

More accurate to say that Gun control is like enforcing legislation so provenly crazy people don't get to drive cars. And also that people with histories of drunk driving don't don't drive.

I don't have a problem with background checks, or prohibiting people with felonies or potentially violent mental disorders to own firearms. However bans on high-capacity magazines, pistol grips, barrel shrouds and other "military style" features I do oppose.

Bohemian(3858) Clarified
1 point

Most shootings involve two people, the shooter and the victim. Despite the technical capability to cause more carnage, there are other factors that influence the number of victims. Consider that a S&W;9mm fires about 10 rounds a minute, and is the most common firearm used by Chicago-area criminals, one study found. The Sako M95 fires 600+ rounds a minute, there are about 300,000 of them in circulation and not one has been used to commit a crime. So one despite having a greater technical ability to create carnage, in reality, is involved in less of it. Our thinking on the matter has to be a bit deeper than "Well, that weapon is more dangerous".

2 points

Ballerina or stripper?

A stripper that doesn't strip is just a -per.

1 point

And who might we argue with? I'd argue the existence of leprechauns if I could find someone who believed in them. Likewise there is a troubling shortage of Santa-Clausists on CreateDebate.

1 point

Together Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are some of the greatest charitable forces in the country if not the world giving well over a trillion to charity in the past 50 years, they are self-made billionaire philanthropists, and only two of a handful of billionaires that were actually willing to pay higher taxes for the benefit of the nation.

On the other hand, who the f#ck is Chris Christie?

1 point

Joe, I showed this picture to my wife, she wasn't nearly as amused by it as I was.

1 point

How does face recognition technology work

On roundness, apparently.

1 point

I was thinking about it in the other way...If she says nothing with great speed then there will be less crap, but if she says "nothing" with very low speed, then there will be a lot of crap. But I can see how you could read it the other way as well.

1 point

Well played sir.........well played indeed!

1 point

Yeah, her parents hate me. They won't leave me alone in the house.....

1 point

Our Bostwanan Retiree is probably just watching The National Geographic.

1 point

You blew it.

You blew it
1 point

I said I haven't seen it in years. Of course I don't use chat websites.

1 point


Is that so, joe?

2 points

AHAHAHA!!! Thank you for that. I've just expanded my life expectancy by 32 minutes.

1 point

It's from the AOL dial-up days of the internet. I haven't seen anybody use it in years.

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