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Bohemian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bohemian's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Together Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are some of the greatest charitable forces in the country if not the world giving well over a trillion to charity in the past 50 years, they are self-made billionaire philanthropists, and only two of a handful of billionaires that were actually willing to pay higher taxes for the benefit of the nation.

On the other hand, who the f#ck is Chris Christie?

1 point

Joe, I showed this picture to my wife, she wasn't nearly as amused by it as I was.

1 point

How does face recognition technology work

On roundness, apparently.

1 point

I was thinking about it in the other way...If she says nothing with great speed then there will be less crap, but if she says "nothing" with very low speed, then there will be a lot of crap. But I can see how you could read it the other way as well.

1 point

Well played sir.........well played indeed!

1 point

Yeah, her parents hate me. They won't leave me alone in the house.....

1 point

Our Bostwanan Retiree is probably just watching The National Geographic.

1 point

You blew it.

You blew it
1 point

I said I haven't seen it in years. Of course I don't use chat websites.

1 point


Is that so, joe?

2 points

AHAHAHA!!! Thank you for that. I've just expanded my life expectancy by 32 minutes.

1 point

It's from the AOL dial-up days of the internet. I haven't seen anybody use it in years.

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