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Buddhist's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Buddhist's arguments, looking across every debate.
Buddhist(318) Clarified
1 point

No. They recognise the error and fix it in themselves. Buddhism is more about watching the other and quietly scoffing at their idiocy (unless you care about them, then try to preach and help) rather than the monotheist religions which choose to preach and shove things down one's throat.

1 point

Anyone can.

0 points

I am afraid that there are truly people who have upset the balance of yin and yang to the level at which no Buddhist can tolerate them without judgement.

Buddhist(318) Clarified
1 point

This was metaphorical and spiritual. Not physical levitation.

Buddhist(318) Clarified
1 point

Very entertaining indeed.

1 point

Shaolin monks are in fact the very opposite form of monk to a Buddhist monk; they seek physical fulfilment only and are of course very amazing at what they do but very emotionally unfulfilled and I feel extremely sorry for the children of such an oppressive cult (if you knew the harsh training they are put through from the day they are born it would horrify you).

1 point

The Buddhist is the only religious group to not seek ascension but rather infinite descension until the entire ego has left the body for good while still maintaining the urge to be enlightened and 'above' others at all times in a funny way. This is the cycle of Karmic energy.

1 point

You are spot on with your distinction. The Mahayana are hopelessly faithful in the good-will of others. the Theravada realise that us Buddhists are an elite form of soul.

Many have been incorrectly raised and hence have ended up having incorrect beliefs in life.

Buddhism, in the eyes of a Theravada such as myself, isnot about caring about the man dying next to you. Rather it is to help him merely out of the realisation that to not do so would be a very irrational thing indeed.

1 point

I think our conflict lies in you being originally Mahayana and me being Theravada.

You seek to spread it emotionally, me purely intellectually.

1 point

I disagree with you. If you wish to challenge me to a debate of atheism versus Buddhism, I will be happy to explain it to you.

Buddhist(318) Clarified
1 point

You are entitled to your atheism. Please leave me be. :)

Buddhist(318) Clarified
1 point

What a prodigenious remark indeed :')

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