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Cartman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cartman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I don't even get what you are saying.

Just an FYI, that's because you are dumb.

Geting caught by who?

The members of this website.

For what? to what court or prison?

The court of public opinion.

1 point

You find it insulting because you yourself are not really a Christian and you don't want to get caught.

1 point

Today's new age Liberal Christian basically makes up their own version of Christianity.

False. Every Christian in the history of the religion makes up their own version. Especially you.

2 points

Oops. Looks like I broke the chat bot.

2 points


1 point

Only idiots think I am a progressive. So, do you think I am a progressive?

1 point

To all the Conservative debaters, how many times have you heard these deceptive liars deny being a Progressive, or Liberal or Democrat?

Never. The people who push that narrative admit to being Democrats. It's the people who aren't pushing that narrative that deny being Democrats.

1 point

I figured out you can't read or listen the very first time I told you that I wasn't a progressive.

1 point

You think I don't exist because I am a minority. How fucking dumb is that.

1 point

I am not a progressive ... still. If you weren't a liberal you would have been able to read that before. It is clear that you liberals can't listen either. I'll give you that one.

1 point

Cuomo made it clear to me that he was answering a question that wasn't being asked. The only way he could have done that was by not being able to read.

You don't have to read it you can listen to it !

What a coincidence. A liberal like you needs it read to you instead of reading it yourself. Thanks for proving my point.

1 point

Can you see the link in the description? He posted his source.

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