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2 points

All religions are cults

Technically yes, but it's still nice to keep a distinction between "sane religion" and "insane religion" for the purpose of convenience. In the same way that humans are animals, but nevertheless we distinguish ourselves from them for convenience in debate. Let us say that Western religion is cult like, and Scientology, The Branch, etc, are "true cults"- religions whose practices are so distinct from typical worship they cannot really be called "religion".

I studied Hitler and WW2 very deeply and the fact is Hitler was just as Christian as an American Evengelical.

That's a bold claim on a dubious topic.

I would like to hear evidence for this beyond He said in Mein Kampf blah blah blah. Religion is a powerful tool, and a man as smart as Hitler would have known that pretending to be Christian would have netted him key support. Futher, Hitler did not support Catholic or Protestants, he supported his own church that eliminated the gospels and Jewish origin.

To be honest, if I may have permission to make up a word here, I'd say Hitler was a Christo-Nazi. A believer in an unorthodox, probably Aryan Christ who merged vague concepts of Christanity with Nazi doctrine. And to me, "Christo-Nazism" would be a cult (a true cult, as I made the point earlier).

2 points

You need to be more provocative. For example, title the debate: Hitler was a bastard atheist, that's bound to get more attention ;)

2 points

Neither really. He most likely dabbled in the occult, at a push one could say he practiced a very warped version of Christianity, but I don't feel he falls into either of these groups.

Women speak 7000 words a day, yet all it takes to get a man to listen is two cute puppies ;)

2 points

Well, I tried. I guess I should just kill myself now, seeing as the one thing in my life which would give me any meaning whatsoever has now been taken, rendering my life's endeavours fruitless.

(This is the part where you give me a sympathy upvote, it's like a virtual pat on the head.)

That's clearly a logical fallacy , I win.

3 points

Jesus man, didn't you just do this? I know you like points an' all, but it's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.

You could have at least saved it until Christmas day, and called it "Proof Baby Jesus was not a parasite" ;)

I know a gamete is a cell, but 1 gamete + 1 gamete = 2 gametes, ie, a clump. With humans, 50 trillion diploid cells all combined are a clump, but each one is of course not a clump.

On second thought, maybe you need more than two to be a clump, eliminating zygotes mostly (and even then they have a single cell stage, if a very small one).

Fuck I dunno, why don't we just give it a unique name? Like Trevor or something. So human life would be

Single cell ------------------------> Trevor ------------------------------> Multi cell.

I like it ;)

ChuckHades(3179) Clarified
1 point

Er... yes, yes it is. All multi-celled organisms are a clump of cells.. A gamete is a cell. Two or more gametes = clump of cells. Two or more diploids = clump of cells. In the case of humans, 50 trillion diploids = clump of cells.

Sure .

A fetus is NOT classified as a parasite.

No, I actually said that it can be, but it is not black or white. Your definition would assert it isn't, the majority of others assert that it is. I myself could care less.

If a fetus was classified as a parasite, then "most of society could be classed as parasitic somehow" which would make the word useless.

That was an exaggeration to show that parasite is not a term below humanity.

Ideas affect behavior. So if, for example, you wanted to get a bunch of people to destroy something, just assign a negative word to it and get people to believe that the word assignment is accurate.

The problem is that parasite is only a negative word if you, the reader, take it to be. Outside of that, it is a biological word, no different to any other.

The fact that a fetus is not classified as a parasite means that my statement stands.

Again, assuming a universal definition of a word.

A certain segment of the population would like to be able to classify a fetus as a parasite because that would serve their purpose. That purpose is to make abortion more palatable.

I sense you and I agree that using the word parasite to argue for abortion is stupid. Simply because it stops being a parasite at birth, which is the one stage abortion prevents. My only contention here is that a fetus can be classified biologically as a parasite.

All of the definitions you selected use the word "another" or "different" organism. It is implied that the other organism is of a different species.

Not at all. If I were in your house, there would be another, different organism in your house. For it to mean different species, it must specify that.

Name one parasite that is the same species as the host. Just one

The one I would name is one you clearly don't agree with. By the way, this isn't limited to human fetuses, any mammalian fetus can be classed as a parasite, assuming a given definition.

If you like, you can go back to those dictionaries to see what examples they site for parasite. I'm willing to bet none of the examples contain a parasite/host combination involving only one species.

Of course not, because that's socially inept. They wouldn't put the word nigger in to show an example of an insult. Same applies here.

Like I said, I don't really care about the consequence of using the word, and I don't feel it should be part of the abortion debate. But for classification purposes, one may wish to class a fetus as a parasite. That's all I'm arguing.

Implying that there is one universal definition for a word.

I mean, I can play that too if I want.

From Biology online: An organism that obtains nourishment and shelter on another organism. Fetus matches this.

From Biology An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. Fetus matches this.

From Oxford dictionary: an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense: Fetus matches this.

I could go on, but you get the point. Definitions are not universal, which is why I said a fetus can be classed as a parasite, not that it is. And like I said, parasite is a word like any other. Hell, most of society could be classed as parasitic somehow. It's just a word, and any connotations are made by the pro-life party, not the pro-choice party.

Holy shit. I just had a serious exchange with Uncle Joe. The Mayans were right.

2 points

As if you didn't know already (or I should hope), the two are not analogous. A fetus can actually be biologically classed as a parasite, whereas Jews cannot be classed as rats.

I don't see why people get all butthurt over it. It's just a word we use to distinguish things. You might as well get pissed off over the word "bacteria" or something.

2 points

Seems like Uncle Joe discovered cannabis .

Don't really think impoverished voodoo ridden backwaters have much to give...

Well, someone needed points...

2 points

Welcome token nigga! Some friendly advice; make sure you're never drinking when on CD, as some of the arguments will make you spit out your Kool Aid all over your computer.

ChuckHades(3179) Clarified
1 point

I know, which iz y sum1 who typs lik this culd not hav a avrage of 4.0, innit?

ChuckHades(3179) Clarified
2 points

my grade average is a 4.0

Seems legit .

Goddamn Murika. Well, congratulations, I now award Murika the title of

Faggiest country on Earth.

You must be so proud ;)

I'm sorry for your loss .

2 points

I am sick and muthafucking tired of these muthafucking OS's pandering to the fickle and unstable muthafucking tablet audience.

I've hinted at this before, but I'll say it bolder now.


3 points

I'm sorry, but I can't stop laughing at this:

We had this patient who suffered penile fracture after running across the room and trying to penetrate his wife with a flying leap.

Nothing else needs to be said.

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