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This personal waterfall shows you all of Countrygirl4's arguments, looking across every debate.

I don't get wha u just said????????????????????????? ?????????????

well yes. Like for instants if u r a guy and strait and u look at a girl and say "man is she hot or what?" thats looking at someone and finding someone attractive. For gay people its the same way except it's there sex type. But if the strait guy meets another guy finds him hot or actually gets to know the guy he might think hes awesome and soon find him attractive. its really complicated to explain but yes u can look at another sex type from what u date and find them completely attractive. if that makes sense? it's the same thing with girls.

U can change anytime you want. It's just the choice you make if you want to be strait or gay. My friend was gay and he switched to strait so yes it can happen

i would ask for a good ol' country boy to take care of me!!!

Us Woman are not hipacrotical mainly anyway. We are hard working loving creatures that try hard it's u men who are hipacrotical.

Was that overboard? Lol

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