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Can change. Cannot change.
Debate Score:68
Total Votes:84
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 Can change. (26)
 Cannot change. (27)

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jolie(9809) pic

Are gays just born that way or can they wake up one morning and be totally straight?

Can change.

Side Score: 30

Cannot change.

Side Score: 38
2 points

It matters not if people are born Gay or born Pedophiles, or born murderers, or born theives, or born adulterers, etc. Being born a particular way does not automatically make it normal or natural.

Biology, science, society, etc. understand what is normal and what is not.

Just because a person says he is born a pedophile does not give him any rights to have sex with consenting teenagers. He would say he is being discriminated from his equal rights to have sex with a consenting child. People say they are not allowing teenagers to have sex with adults because they are not old enough to understand the ramifications, and therefore need our protection.(common sense)

The Left says a child has the right to an abortion without telling her parents. It's amazing how the Left understands it is protecting a child from having sex with adults because the child is too young to understand the ramifications, but when it comes to abortion, the child is all of a sudden wise enough to decide for herself what to do with that life inside her without notifying her parents. UNBELIEVABLE stupidity from Liberals.

All states should not be forced to change their marriage laws to allow gay marriage just because they say they are born that way. There is no settled science they are born that way even if it did make a difference. It's all PC politics!

Side: Can change.
1 point

It matters not if people are born Gay or born Pedophiles, or born murderers, or born theives, or born adulterers, etc. Being born a particular way does not automatically make it normal or natural.

When people such as yourself talking about "abnormality" as if it was inherently wrong, it sounds down right fascist. Just because something isn't normal does not make it bad. Additionally, as has been proven to you, homosexuality exists in nature and thus is natural.

Biology, science, society, etc. understand what is normal and what is not.

Indeed, and the science of this issue has been shown to you many times.

Just because a person says he is born a pedophile does not give him any rights to have sex with consenting teenagers.

I think just about everyone agrees with you there.

He would say he is being discriminated from his equal rights to have sex with a consenting child.

Except he wouldn't be, as nobody has such a right, therefore it wouldn't be an Equal Rights issue.

The Left says a child has the right to an abortion without telling her parents.

Some do, some don't. "The Left" is not united on that issue. I, for example, think that is wrong.

It's amazing how the Left understands it is protecting a child from having sex with adults because the child is too young to understand the ramifications, but when it comes to abortion, the child is all of a sudden wise enough to decide for herself what to do with that life inside her without notifying her parents. UNBELIEVABLE stupidity from Liberals.

Those who believe abortions should be able to be obtained without parental consent argue that it is to avoid parents forcing their children to carry the child to term, which isn't a non-issue.

All states should not be forced to change their marriage laws to allow gay marriage just because they say they are born that way.

Despite the fact that it is in violation of the Due Process and Equal Protections Clauses of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, as the Supreme Court pointed out?

There is no settled science they are born that way even if it did make a difference. It's all PC politics!

Ultimately, it is irrelevant whether or not they were born that way. There is a Constitutional justification for making marriage legal for homosexuals, and there is no Constitutional justification for upholding the bans. That's really all there is to it on that issue.

Side: Cannot change.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

"People are not "born" radical, regardless of religion." But now you say this ?It matters not if people are born Gay or born Pedophiles, or born murderers, or born theives, or born adulterers, etc. Being born a particular way does not automatically make it normal or natural.

You said people are not "born" radical but now you say -" Being born a particular way does not automatically make it normal or natural." So what is it you mean there Leftist ?

Side: Can change.
1 point

Biology, science, society, etc. understand what is normal and what is not.

Finally, you are on the right side. You have finally realized that being gay is normal and natural. Geez, that took so long.

Side: Can change.
0 points

When you talk about the ramifications of sex,is that a pun?

Side: Can change.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Funny girl. No, it was not a pun. That type of sophmoric humor has never done anything for me.

Side: Cannot change.

U can change anytime you want. It's just the choice you make if you want to be strait or gay. My friend was gay and he switched to strait so yes it can happen

Side: Can change.
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

So you are saying that when you see someone of the same sex, you are able to consciously choose to find them attractive?

Side: Can change.

well yes. Like for instants if u r a guy and strait and u look at a girl and say "man is she hot or what?" thats looking at someone and finding someone attractive. For gay people its the same way except it's there sex type. But if the strait guy meets another guy finds him hot or actually gets to know the guy he might think hes awesome and soon find him attractive. its really complicated to explain but yes u can look at another sex type from what u date and find them completely attractive. if that makes sense? it's the same thing with girls.

Side: Can change.
1 point

 I think you're conflating biology and gender fluidity. People are fluid in all regards of their personality, gender and orientation are no exceptions. What factors influence those changes is what is debated.

 There is biology involved in determining orientation, yes, but it is still poorly understood. All we know is that orientation isn't a choice and is subject to change.

 Gender is more complex. Gender is largely determined by society and it's expectations. In the western world, we typically have two binary genders. Other cultures have as many as 5 or more, each with their own seemingly arbitrary set of rules (equally arbitrary to our western roles I might add). As where you might define yourself as male here, male as a gender may not exist somewhere else.

Side: Can change.
1 point

What the hell is with the censorship of my argument?

I suppose my wolf argument is getting shut down for being overpowered and to keep the debate fair.

I argue that you are not born with a set sexuality but that it's also involuntarily developed throughout childhood. I am yet to see good argumentation against this.

I don't deny that some people in the same environment end up gayer than others but this is because it's a combination of nature and nurture; not just one or the other.

Side: Can change.
1 point

Where's your argument? I don't see it.

Side: Can change.
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Andy deleted it and all replies to it with it.

Side: Cannot change.
2 points

But for the definitive answer, let's go straight (or maybe not?) to the suck-ey source! :))

Obama Sucks!
Side: Cannot change.
1 point

You read Interesting. I didn't know you swung that way.

Side: Cannot change.
1 point

What is this medium you speak of? It just showed up on the feed. Is it a liberal organization?

Side: Cannot change.

A person is born Gay just in the same way that a person is born Straight.

Side: Cannot change.
1 point

Then how do you account for people who are married for decades and then go gay?

Side: Cannot change.
1 point

Obviously they were only married to women in order to hide their sexuality.

Side: Can change.
1 point

You are born the way you are. There is no choice in sexual orientation, it's kinda obvious.

Side: Cannot change.
1 point

I don't see how you can ask this question of anyone BUT a "gay". How can anyone else answer? Oh....because they heard from someone who knows? Someone who read it out of a (the) "book". because "It is written". Crap! Ask someone who REALLY knows, not just someone with an opinion!

Side: Cannot change.
1 point

Are heterosexuals just born that way or can they wake up one morning and be totally gay?

There are 2 types of people on this planet. Those who can extrapolate.

Side: Cannot change.