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Darkb456's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Darkb456's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You see, no one's even taking this seriously, that's just how inane the basic question is.

1 point

Why do so many people seem to think that, "because I said so" is a proper argument.

1 point

I think it would be very relaxed, with plenty of weird colors and shapes, hypothetically, of course.

2 points

Okay first of all polygamy has actually been proven as the natural order and it increases biodiversity in a species, from a religious perspective it is considered evil.

But on that note I would like to point out that many religions teach that humans are the only animals capable of evil, logically this means that polygamy is note evil as a being incapable of evil performs it constantly. Also the reasons above are purely from the womens' perspective and most of said reasons tend to move away from the actual question, in addition to occasional sexism.

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