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This personal waterfall shows you all of Johnhao's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No, a fetus is connected to the mother, and it doesn't move except by instinct, is that an individual?

1 point

You start from a CELL. Which has no feelings, which evolves into a fetus, which has no feelings, then into a human, which has feelings.

1 point

Do they have their different feelings? Yes. But a fetus just moves by instinct.

1 point

Since you are such an expert, how can you prove that the fetus is moving because of its own thought, and not instinct?

1 point

Emphasis on the FLOAT. It doesn't move, the fluids move a fetus. Also, what you eat floats around your stomach. Are you arguing that if what you eat could evolve into a human, and that it gets nutrients from you, it becomes a human life?

1 point

But YOUR ear comes from a combination of your mom and your dad. Also, it is not controlled by your mom nor your dad. Does that make your ear a human life?

1 point

I am not saying that the mother gets to kill a fetus just because it relies on her, but that it is not YET a stage of human life. The fetus is illegal to kill because it WILL provide help to the society, not because it is immoral. I can even argue that it is not immoral to kill a fetus because it has no feelings.

1 point

Just because of the fact that it WILL BECOME a human life, and that it has an idea of its own, doesn't make it a human life. What defines a human life, in every dictionary, is an INDIVIDUAL, in-dividual.

1 point

The thing is, the fetus is not a human life, but rather a part of the mother, just like an ear or eye, it is connected to her, though you cannot move your ear freely, just like you cannot move a fetus freely, it is still part of the mother, or you.

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