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1 point

Axmeister, your number 2 and 3 are agreeable. I must dispute number one and four though.

1. Marijuana has no addictive chemicals whatsoever. Not mentally, not physically. The only addicts are the losers who regardless of marijuana, wouldn't be doing anything with their lives anyway. There are quite a lot of successful people who smoke a little marijuana. Prostitution is not related to marijuana use.

Why it should be legal: Does not cause cancer, is impossible to overdose on, does not cause intoxication, does not kill brain cells, does not cause addiction. Also, it has hundreds of medicinal uses that are valid:

To say that ingesting some marijuana to relieve pain is wrong is retarded. Why? Any ER will likely give you Tylenol with Codeine, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Tramadol. Etc. These drugs are all opiate derivitives, with tramadol being an analgesic synthetic opiate. These drugs cause physical and psychological addiction, yet the addicts can keep going back to the ER and getting more and more of them. Hell, they can go to ten ER's in a day, get one prescription filled for free per week thanks to medical insurance, and the rest pay out of their pockets. The going rate for a bottle of vicodin at the drug store (quantity up to 40) is 15 dollars. The street price per pill ranges from 3 - 5 dollars per pill. So in this way the government is funding a whole other kind of drug abuse. Prescription meds.

Also, drugs like prozac for anxiety/depression are ridiculous. It's basically legal ecstacy (being that it's very very close in chemical structure to methylenedioxymethamphetamine aka ecstacy), yet the difference is that pure ecstacy isn't actually harmful, but prozac is very harmful. Not only does pure ecstacy not cause mental or physical addiction, it's also impossible to overdose on. It doesn't cause "holes" in the brain, and doesn't cause intoxication. It doesn't cause violence, and doesn't cause everyone to want to have sex. Too many people think ecstacy is a sex drug, when it's the fact that street ecstacy pills contain only up to 60 mg of pure ecstacy, any the rest of the 160 mg tablet is a whole mess of other things. A lot of times rupheline is sold as ecstacy, "roofy's" are the date rape drug, ecstacy is not. You can thank the government for this, because if it was legal, it would be synthesized by actual pharmacologists, be pure, and be sold in pharmacies for cheaper than any street version.

Same with marijuana. Gangs would lose their source of income. Organizations like the mexican cartel would lose their source of income. Crime would not be related to drugs in any way, and no one would be able to sell the drugs cheaper than the government. Not only does making ecstacy cost an initial investment of 3000 dollars for the chemical apparatus, but the actual chemicals needed can only be bought in low amounts, as not to have the D.E.A. knocking at the door. The best someone could do is order 1 fluid ounce of 91 percent sassafras oil per month, for 8 months, then wait 4 months, and do it again. Seeing as how 160 grams of pure safrole is needed to make 15 grams of pure ecstacy, and things like dimethylformamide, p-benzoquinone, palladium, and a host of other chemicals needed cost a hell of a lot. They could not a. afford to make the drugs and sell them pure; and B. they could not sell pure, or diluted drugs for cheaper than the government.

So really, instead of our experimental teenagers paying the drug cartel's pockets, our government would be seeing a hefty amount in taxes, as well as spending 8 billion tax dollars LESS per year on putting teenagers who possess a gram of marijuana in jail. WE pay that money for them to fill the prisons with marijuana possessors, yet they should be getting the rapists and actual criminals.

My argument to number 4. Who the hell cares with religion. Let them build their mosques, is it really affecting your life? Is it affecting me? Not at all. Should christian churches be allowed to build near muslim neighborhoods? See? Saying they can't, opens up a hell of a lot of reason for every other religion to be penalized for thousands of reasons. Also, no religion is actually better than another, because none are following the original hebrew scripture verbatim. Ten commandments? How about the other how many hundred?

Each religion seems to pick out what they want to follow, depending on their agenda, and say it's being a believer. No. Being a believer is following the Lord's original world, and the original scripture. Not just attending mass and saying you believe. Not committing sin daily because you think the Lord's son died so that you can KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY sin DAILY. No, His death was supposed to be something to learn from. People have somehow twisted the original scripture into such a piece of disgusting text... That I don't see the point. Saying that someone died so you could continue to sin? What was the point? Think about it. The Lord, being all knowing, would not have done something he A. Knew was going to happen, and B. wasn't meant to teach a lesson.

So come on people, this is just ridiculous. Any modern religion isn't better than any other, and if you haven't read the original scripture translation verbatim, and you don't follow that word, you aren't better than athiests. You are basically choosing to worship a false God, seeing as how you worship false text. So, grow up America. Seems daily I am more disgusted to have been born in this country.

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