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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kinda's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Well atleast now you can get on with life


1 point

Lol true true....

I never ever ever ever would've thought of this one...

2 points

Actually vegetarians live longer than meat eaters.

Longest living animal are those toroises which are vegetarian


1 point

Damn dude you spoke some real shit there.

Anymore of this???? Messege me.

1 point

You don't got to be a terrorist to dislike America. Only human.

Looks alright tbh. I voted conservative so I'm happy with the changes so far....

1 point

Obama is doing good for the US economy especially in terms of long run growth. So in this sense I support him because he's going to help a lot of poorer and working class people. If he is however causing the US economy to collapse, I again applaud him for doing the world a favour.

Win win situation for me tbh.

1 point

We can put a price on anything. We can even put a price on God. Problem is getting the price right.

1 point


We'll sit with our thumbs up our asses and wait for God to come down and save us all.


1 point

In the context of your argument you'll recieve both good and bad karma for your actions.

You did good by helping this person out, but bad for mugging somebody else (who now might become homeless and starving lol) and each action will have it's impact into society which in the long run will effect you.

If everybody gave food to the starving (willingly) then the world would be a better place.

But people don't want a better world do they?

1 point

LOLOLOLOL... he had to call the rescue team.

Imagine how difficult it would be to not cut off the guys balls at the same time.

Anyway... most practising nudists are ugly old fat people who look like they've sat on roadkill when they bend over.

1 point

Lol had to look at dolphin picture trice.

But then again I did look at it before reading the text.

Third time I saw it in 2 seconds.

Proud of myself. :)

1 point

Evolution my friend ;)

Ya'll white people are becoming are evolving towards our race :P

1 point

Don't worry...

the world is turning baige anyway.

Just make sure your daughter marries somebody of darker skin...

1 point

After Rome fell, we had a thousand years of the dark ages. If America fails, woe be onto the world.

By WE you mean white people right?

1 point

Pedophiles tend to have mental illness, which could effect the outcome of the drugs.

Apart from being paedophilic I never knew they had any other issues.

We can not do the same with pedophiles.

We could if we got some prostitutes....

Prior drug use (even legal drugs) can alter the effects of the designed drug.

Even once the drugs are out of the system?

There are far to many variable dealing with humans to show the actual effects of the drugs.

So a drug designed for humans is more accurately tested on animals than it is on humans?

1 point

Never heard of a cowburger.

Don't you normally have names for meats? i.e. beef, pork, veal etc?

1 point

Veggie burger.

Tottenham kebab shops do the best ones

1 point

Wouldn't there be some drooping wrinkly balls?


1 point

No it's ok. I understand now.


1 point

Yo heavily implied it in your post.

It's not just women who don't have choices. Men are also forced or pressured into marriages they're not completely satisfied with.

2 points

Who said arranged marriage = forced marriage.

There's a difference between the two.

1 point

No I didn't.

Are you making things up again?

Please don't do that.

1 point

I never said there are muslim women who don't wear burkas.....


1 point

She's not being forced to do anything based on her gender. She's being forced to do it based on her religion/culture.

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