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LeRoyJames(372) Clarified
1 point

peut-ĂȘtre .

LeRoyJames(372) Clarified
1 point

I know, and I felt kind of bad because she really seems to genuinely want a cat-dog hybrid, but I just couldn't help myself. ;)

1 point

Point redistribution differs from wealth redistribution in two ways:

- We won't die of starvation if we don't get points.

- Points are given out via a consistent set of rules that reward all members equally for equal participation. Wealth is distributed unevenly, in most cases justifiable rewarding hard work, imagination, or risk, but also often pooling in the hands of a few people by virtue of their position. (I know that's overly simplistic, but I'm just trying to point out that money is often not distributed evenly).

Personally, I don't believe in redistributing wealth, but I do believe in structuring society to distribute wealth more evenly in the first place, such as through minimum wage and labor unions.

P.S. I also think we need to have support for bulleted lists in these edit boxes. I totally tried to do this above using html tags, but they were ignored. :(

LeRoyJames(372) Clarified
1 point

Not yet, but my cat and dog have been working on it for years. I'm sure they're close to getting it. ;)

1 point

Yes, but who's going to take out the trash and kill all the spiders?

They say (okay, I heard it once on TV) that the strongest marriages, on average, are those in which the wife looks better than the husband, and the husband makes more money than the wife. The theory is that the ideals of the sexes are different, so they can both 'win' in the comparisons that are important to them, and they can both see value in each other.

In a same sex couple, there's no obvious distinction like that, so I would think competition would be a bigger issue.

On the other hand, there is also a lot to be said for couples having a lot in common with each other. I've always said that if it weren't for the whole sex thing, men and women would never hang out together.

LeRoyJames(372) Clarified
1 point

Already been done:

My kids used to love that show. :)

1 point

I'm sure it is a serious debate, but right now I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything meaningful to say. All I can think of is "Hubba Hubba!". :)

1 point

I am totally pro-choice on this issue.

2 points

No, but we, as a species, did evolve the capacity for religion. Therefore, having religion must have given us some kind of competitive advantage. That's why I believe in God, and that he created men, including atheists.

1 point

It certainly helps. :)

1 point

You haven't been getting much lately, have you.

1 point

I often think about those who have lived before us, generation after generation, people living their lives, day after day, concerned about what they're concerned about, thinking that they're going to live forever in their youth, and then eventually coming to the hard conclusion that someday they're going to leave this world, until one day they're gone.

I never get much beyond that. I don't think there's much of a lesson here or anything; it's just something to think about.

Anyway, have a nice day everyone. :)

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