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Liber's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Liber's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It was her hair that I first noticed. Her eyes came next.

1 point

I've seen better, Unca Joe.

1 point

They are all deceived. Only I know that which truly is sexy.

1 point

That was my week ending yesterday.

2 points

There's this real great new toy. It's called Photoshop. Create a layer over the dog's asshole and insert an image of a Christ-like face, then change the opacity to make it look natural.

1 point

The French have always been into everything for their own amusement.

2 points

You mean more of Joe's humor? I'm in.



What's Google Plus?

1 point

For those short whiles of heaven.

1 point

Great "lovering" (? - spellcheck says it is a word!) is for college; a great lover only loves for a short while only so many times a week; a great friend and parent is somebody whom you can tolerate being around the rest of the time.

1 point

We'd dance around a fire, naked, chanting your name over and over again and placing upon your head curses for having left us.

1 point

No one looks down at their crotch and smiles.

Joe, you don't smile, you blush with embarrassment.

5 points

Masterfully crafted response. Something I'd expect from you, Joe.

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