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This personal waterfall shows you all of Liber's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I'm half-awake and I can't say its funny.

1 point

Would life really be worth living without a little geometric diversity every now and then?

3 points

Oh, Joe. You can always make me laugh.

And that's good news. Wouldn't want Big Peter to have to become Little Peter, and the Twins, well, they're the Twins.

2 points

Sorry, Harry Potter? Is this the new Leif Garrett or something?

2 points

Or you can always put them in the oven on a nice, cool winter's day.

2 points

A blow up doll won't do the trick; a female shall still be wanted. So, if you can't get a female, become a female!

2 points

I really do not see how this could be much of a goal. I've been here nearly two months longer than you, yet I've only a week's worth of points more than you.

2 points

I'm always on the winning side, so I see no reason to ruin that streak now.

2 points

You can live an awfully long time without protected sex; you can't live very long without food and water.

Sex is a fundamental human requirement

But not with the use of contraceptives.

1 point

Paying with tax dollars is just as heinous as forcing employers to pay; either is a violation of the individual's right to be secure in their property.

For the record, I am also opposed to publicly funded roads, transport, fire services, and nearly everything in which the military is involved.

1 point

Ha ha, you just did what you accused the commenter of doing. I.e. Calling the people who disagree with you stupid.

I take it that this is what you are talking about:

I get it now! Everybody is an idiot who disagrees with you (and that "you" is a general "you", not just you, but your fellow Democratic airheads).

I didn't really mean it as an insult to people who disagree with me as much as I did mean it as an insult to those who insult pettily, people who, I find, tend to be of the Democratic persuasion.

But, just to even things out:

Republican airheads annoy the hell out of me, too!

2 points

What about the men who want to go "whoring around"?

Let them pay.

It only applies to one sex in your mind, doesn't it?

Honestly, I cannot recall having ever heard a man complain about having to pay for contraceptives.

The Pill

The Pill is God. We must capitalize Its name."

Would those men be guilty of wanting to go "whoring around"?

If they wanted to "whore around", then yes.

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