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This personal waterfall shows you all of Liber's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I'm half-awake and I can't say its funny.

1 point

Would life really be worth living without a little geometric diversity every now and then?

3 points

Oh, Joe. You can always make me laugh.

And that's good news. Wouldn't want Big Peter to have to become Little Peter, and the Twins, well, they're the Twins.

2 points

Sorry, Harry Potter? Is this the new Leif Garrett or something?

2 points

Or you can always put them in the oven on a nice, cool winter's day.

2 points

A blow up doll won't do the trick; a female shall still be wanted. So, if you can't get a female, become a female!

2 points

I really do not see how this could be much of a goal. I've been here nearly two months longer than you, yet I've only a week's worth of points more than you.

2 points

I'm always on the winning side, so I see no reason to ruin that streak now.

2 points

You can live an awfully long time without protected sex; you can't live very long without food and water.

Sex is a fundamental human requirement

But not with the use of contraceptives.

1 point

Paying with tax dollars is just as heinous as forcing employers to pay; either is a violation of the individual's right to be secure in their property.

For the record, I am also opposed to publicly funded roads, transport, fire services, and nearly everything in which the military is involved.

1 point

Ha ha, you just did what you accused the commenter of doing. I.e. Calling the people who disagree with you stupid.

I take it that this is what you are talking about:

I get it now! Everybody is an idiot who disagrees with you (and that "you" is a general "you", not just you, but your fellow Democratic airheads).

I didn't really mean it as an insult to people who disagree with me as much as I did mean it as an insult to those who insult pettily, people who, I find, tend to be of the Democratic persuasion.

But, just to even things out:

Republican airheads annoy the hell out of me, too!

2 points

What about the men who want to go "whoring around"?

Let them pay.

It only applies to one sex in your mind, doesn't it?

Honestly, I cannot recall having ever heard a man complain about having to pay for contraceptives.

The Pill

The Pill is God. We must capitalize Its name."

Would those men be guilty of wanting to go "whoring around"?

If they wanted to "whore around", then yes.

1 point

Yeah, let's not provide birth control so you can all really complain when women are on welfare because they couldn't afford the child you forced them to have.

No, they shouldn't be on welfare either. Theft involved there, too.

Sex is a natural human function. Get over it.

Precisely. The government shouldn't be involved.

There is no excuse for not having federal healthcare, none.

How about patient survival? There are more MRI machines in Pittsburgh than in all of Canada, and waiting lines to see a doctor in Great Britain are astronomically long. America, though more expensive, has the best medical care in the world - something which many Americans seem to think they can maintain even in a decapitalized environment.

And the idea that an employer can arbitrarily decide what medications it wants to provide is ludicrous.

If they are providing it, then why can't they "arbitrarily decide"?

You're saying that if you wind up with a heart problem or cancer, the company you work for should suddenly be allowed to refuse to pay for your medication?

Yes, unless there is a contract in which the company has agreed to pay for such medications.

Are you insane?

Probably, but so are all great genii.

We're in a tough market.

And placing restrictions/requirements on employers is only going to make it tougher.

I know it's hard for the far right to see the ground from atop their high horses, but saying "get another job" is not going to magically make jobs available.

I redirect you to my previous response.

What about women who are on birth control for different reasons?

The reasoning is irrelevant.

I was on it before I ever even had sex because I had painful cramps, chronic heavy bleeding and ovarian cysts. I couldn't go to school for two days every month.

I could say that I am sorry for you - and the human inside of me truly is sorry at any human suffering - but that does not give you the right to stolen goods.

Are you saying that I should be denied medical care because someone else thinks they have the right to make choices for my life? Absurd.

No, I'm saying that other people don't have the right to make choices for your life. You are twisting the entire idea; if somebody is forced by government to give you something, then the government is now taking over your life.

2 points

You remind me why I never bothered to go to a "top tier University". A life in the library has taught me more than you'll ever learn, simply because you are too self-important and egoistical to debate/think with an open'd mind.

I count four profanities in three lines of "argument". Each line contains insults; one is sexist, one is an accusation of misogyny based entirely on the accusee's non-liberal/non-brainwashed opinations, and another is a sexual slur. You fail to mention or even allude to the topic being discussed, preferring to curse your opponent rather than rebut.

2 points

If we had federal healthcare, EVERYONE would be paying and EVERYONE would be covered.

EVERYONE shouldn't be forced to buy something against their wishes.

I'm sorry you're the only person in your life you're capable of thinking about. Must be lonely.

Now that's a pretty low blow, even for a partisan. There was a time when "top tier Universities" had levels of expectations for their students, such so that they wouldn't go about ridiculing and pettily insulting individuals over halfassed arguments.

2 points

I detect some pent-up tension brewing within your rather fallacious argument.

If a woman's health insurance doesn't cover contraception and they can't afford it otherwise, what makes you think they can suddenly afford an abortion?

What makes you think it is any of my business?

Since all the idiot Republicans are trying to ban those as well, what do you propose everyone to do?

I get it now! Everybody is an idiot who disagrees with you (and that "you" is a general "you", not just you, but your fellow Democratic airheads).

2 points

I wouldn't want that because it isn't the government's responsibility (or privilege) to provide me with a product, especially at the expense of others. Whether or not I am directly saving money or not is irrelevant; what matters is that, otherwise, the government's power and authoritative/totalitarian reign shall go on unchecked as we are appeased and assuaged by their brief generosity.

2 points

Looks like the profs at your "top tier University" aren't teaching you anything about property rights - such as that one hasn't the right to other peoples' misgot property.

1 point

I hadn't realized this. Perhaps I'm receiving even fewer notifications than I had thought.

1 point

My and PrayerFails's debates would fill it up pretty quickly.

1 point

We're right here, Joe. Just waitin' for you to rip open another person's colon with your tiny penis.

2 points

Nah, I'd rather a 1959 Cadillac Eldorado. Big doesn't equal better, Joe.

1 point

Let's hope it ain't too much greater than what we see in that pic.

1 point

Those are buttocks, not breasts.

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