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This personal waterfall shows you all of MisterGuy's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"1. It means that the government cannot place any obstacles that prevent you from exercising your constitutional right (for example, throwing you in jail for exercising your constitutional right)."

None of our rights are absolute. For example, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater & you can't libel someone.

"2. It means that the government will pay you to exercise your constitutional right (for example, pay you to get an abortion if you can't afford one)."

This is, of course, a strawman argument...ugh...

Look, it's obvious that a lot of you "conservatives" don't like abortion for whatever reason...mostly it's for religious reasons, but whatever. The FACT is that you can't force your own religious-based opinions on others in the USA. We have a separation of church & state in this country!

Abortions are merely medical procedures...nothing more, nothing less...and they are medical procedures that all you privileged white guys can't ever get over it already!

Roe v. Wade will NEVER be overturned...move on already...

1 point

"A parent cannot just abandon their child. That is illegal."

Actually, there are a couple of states that do allow new parents to do this.

1 point

"One, its against their moral convictions."

We don't get to pick & choose how our collective tax dollars are spent, through "morals" or otherwise, period.

"Two, it is not a life saving procedure"

...except that it frequently is...ooooppppssss...

1 point

"Abortion is a choice (not a necesity) that arose from the choice (not the necesity) to have sexual intercourse instead of other forms of sex"

Wrong again, abortions are protected under the Constitution, period.

"There isn't a growing need for society to sponsor free abortions" your own, heavily-biased opinion that is.

1 point

"Taxes are to help provide necessities of society."

No, taxes are a monetary source for our govt., period.

1 point

"So what were you blabbering about then, huh?"

I was simply stating a FACT, which you tried to twist out of context through lies, that one of the only reasons that America's population continues to grow is through immigration. Abortions have nothing to do with that issue, period. That's just you, again, trying to change the issue that is at hand...unsuccessfully I might add...

BTW, you are the KING of the "nonsensical argument" on here Joe...don't project your faults onto me tyvm!

1 point

"I which the federal government did only those things spelled out in the constitution" abortions, which have U.S. Supreme Court affirmed Constitutional protection!

1 point

Again with the obsession over "Facials, blow jobs"...what is up with that??

A fetus doesn't have a "life" BTW.

Gambling, gambling, gambling...repeating the same insanely nonsensical arguments over & over & over again do NOT make them valid!

"The law states that you can legally have an abortion within a certain period of time."

No, it does not!

1 point

Abortion is NOT an "optional procedure" is a simple medical procedure that women have a Constitutional RIGHT to!

2 points

"Which is why people who cannot afford an abortion should abstain from sex" your opinion. I can just see the GOP ads now..."Stop the poor from having sex!!" Now there's a "winning" argument!

"Lets say that I buy a house and then realize that I can't make the payments, are you going to subsidize me?"

It depends. There are a lot of people out there that were lied to when they purchased loans, and I feel that at least some of them should have the ability to try & get a judge to modify their terms so they can try & stay in their homes.

"Or is it only women who need these special priviledges you're tallking about."

LMAO! Since when are CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS "special privileges"??

2 points

And you are in dire need of a valid argument that isn't absurd on the face of it.

1 point

Wow, thanks for admitting how you really feel about sex apparently. Never given your so-called "wife" an orgasm eh? I sure

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