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The 1st description definiton The 2nd description definiton
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:19
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 The 1st description definiton (4)
 The 2nd description definiton (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What does 'Government Protected Constitutional Right' mean?

Here are 2 possible definitions.  If there are more/others I'll move this to a popularity contest.


1.  It means that the government cannot place any obstacles that prevent you from exercising your constitutional right (for example, throwing you in jail for exercising your constitutional right).

2.  It means that the government will pay you to exercise your constitutional right (for example, pay you to get an abortion if you can't afford one ).

The 1st description definiton

Side Score: 4

The 2nd description definiton

Side Score: 11

By definition:

A constitutional right is a freedom granted by a government's constitution (on the national or sub-national level), and may not be legally denied by that government.

For example, the government is not denying you an abortion when it refuses to pay for an abortion that you cannot afford. You are free to seek and have an abortion performed on you without any government imposed obstacles.

To substantiate that example, note that The Hyde Amendment, implemented in 1977, restricts the use of federal funds for abortion. These public funds can only be used when an abortion is needed to save the life of the mother, or when the pregnancy results from assault rape or incest.

Another example would be that I have the right to bear arms, but the government is not responsible for providing those arms.

I have the right to free speech but the government is not responsible for giving me money so that I may go out and exercise that right.

Side: The 1st description definiton
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
3 points

Debate #4 in Joes plight to be supremely annoying.

The irony is that he succeeded with debate #1.

Side: The 2nd description definiton

OK, that didn't contribute much. I guess what you are trying to say is that no amount of logic is going to persuade you to agree.

Side: The 1st description definiton
1 point

Well, the definitions are obscure but I believe the role of the government is to ensure your rights while protecting your right to express... your right.

I don't believe that the government should force others to pay for your shit (abortion, food, housing, healthcare, etc.) Unless it's some kind of emergency (risk to health, homeless, car accident, etc.)

In a perfect world, we could just leave people to die, but let's face it, human beings don't follow evolution. They follow devolution, and in order to not seem evil, you must also follow that path. so fuck it, pay for that fucker's abortion.

Side: The 1st description definiton

Wow, a strawman argument of a legitamate position...what else is new Joe?

What the two sides should be are:

1) It is something the government cannot punish you for excersising (like the right not to get thrown in jail for speaking freely)

2) It is something that the government must protect (like the right to property, so people don't steal it from you).

My answer would be, both. There are certain rights that put limitations of the government, and others that sometimes require government intervention to ensure. This usually means spending some money (paying for a police force, judges, etc...)

Side: The 2nd description definiton
1 point

"1. It means that the government cannot place any obstacles that prevent you from exercising your constitutional right (for example, throwing you in jail for exercising your constitutional right)."

None of our rights are absolute. For example, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater & you can't libel someone.

"2. It means that the government will pay you to exercise your constitutional right (for example, pay you to get an abortion if you can't afford one)."

This is, of course, a strawman argument...ugh...

Look, it's obvious that a lot of you "conservatives" don't like abortion for whatever reason...mostly it's for religious reasons, but whatever. The FACT is that you can't force your own religious-based opinions on others in the USA. We have a separation of church & state in this country!

Abortions are merely medical procedures...nothing more, nothing less...and they are medical procedures that all you privileged white guys can't ever get over it already!

Roe v. Wade will NEVER be overturned...move on already...

Side: Neither

None of our rights are absolute. For example, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater & you can't libel someone.

So if none of our rights are absolute, then gays can't get married.

But if your argument is that the law can be changed, then Roe VS Wade can be uverturned. ;)

Side: The 1st description definiton
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
1 point

"So if none of our rights are absolute, then gays can't get married."


"But if your argument is that the law can be changed, then Roe VS Wade can be uverturned."

Look, if you think that the U.S. Supreme Court is going to go back to the days where Americans didn't have a right to privacy, especially in terms of their medical decisions, then, IMHO, you are out of your mind...

Side: Neither