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Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for What does 'Government Protected Constitutional Right' mean?
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Side scores:
The 1st description definiton : 6

The 2nd description definiton : 13

Total arguments:
The 1st description definiton : 5

The 2nd description definiton : 2

Word lengths:
The 1st description definiton : 4.56 ave

The 2nd description definiton : 4.87 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
The 1st description definiton : 11th

The 2nd description definiton : 11th

Vocabulary overlap:
The 1st description definiton

The 2nd description definiton

Total words used:
The 1st description definiton : 362

The 2nd description definiton : 113

Word frequencies:
abortion  absolute  also  argument  believe  can't  cannot  debate  devolution  die  don't  else  ensure  etc  evil  example  follow  force  free  fuck  fucker's  funds  gays  government  leave  legitamate  marry  money  must  none  obsolute  order  others  our  path  pay  positionwhat  responsible  right  rights  roe  seem  sex  should  something  strawman  uverturned  vs  wade  wow