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This personal waterfall shows you all of MisterGuy's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"It's a one way street, right? Only women get to force other people into things, right?"

Wrong, once again, you are merely trying to shift the focus away from the FACT that women in the USA have a Constitutional right to abortions, period.

"How old are you again?"

Likely older than you my friend.

"Are you a woman?"

No, but I sure could show your "wife" a good time, unlike you

1 point

Once again, nice try at switching the focus of this debate, but it's not working.

Whether you like it or not (and we ALL know that you don't), women have a Constitutional right to have an abortion, period.

1 point

Thanks for NOT answering my question. I knew you didn't have it in

BTW, you OBVIOUSLY never bother to read what you type, or you'd be cowering in embarrassment by now...

1 point

"We should spend it on useful things like national defense instead of abortions"

Translation: I value the ability to make war more than I do a woman's Constitutional rights. What a surprise...

My goodness...your obession with "facials" is quite telling, especially from someone that tries to devalue the importance of sex in a relationship. I'll bet that I could give your so-called wife a REAL good

1 point

"Which is why our tax dollar should go towards national defense instead of abortions" your opinion. BTW, how much would paying for low-income women's abortions cost in relation to "national defense"?? Can you say drop in the bucket??

1 point

"If you are a woman and you can't afford an abortion, then you should either abstain from sex or suffer the consequences of your actions."

Ah, more of "the poor have no rights to have sex" from another Right-wing buffoon...ugh...

1 point

Yea, and you live in fear because of how you view human nature. As I've said before, "conservatives" fear the nature of man, and this irrational fear drives almost ALL of their ideologies, period. Thanks for making my point!

1 point

No, you are simply saying that you are NOT willing to pay for a woman to exercise her full Constitutional rights, period.

1 point

"Are you an idiot or do you just play on on CD?"

Hey, YOU'RE the one making ridiculous argument after ridiculous don't try & project your opinion about yourself onto me.

"After she has made her choice, WHY ARE THE REST OF US RESPONSIBLE FOR HER ACTIONS/DECISIONS/CHOICES? Are women so mentally inferior to men that they need to be protected like little children? Are you conceding that women are incapable of sound judgement and that we are thus responsible to save women from their stupid decisions; save them from the consequences of their actions/choices?"

Nice try at changing the subject, but it's not working. Woman have a Constitutional RIGHT to abortions that the govt. cannot restrict, period.

1 point

"No, you can't make the same argument because National Security is a necesity"

...and so is someone's Constitutional rights!

Enough already with the silly gambling analogies!

"low-income people should settle for facials, blow jobs, etc. They should not risk pregnancy by having sexual intercourse. So they can have all the sex they want, just not sexual intercourse"

Wow, and you choose to repeat the indefensible position of limiting how much sex low-income people can have. You really can't be serious with that nonsense.

0 points

"Federal money cannot go towards abortions. The new health care program also has this wording in it."

Once again, and as per usual, you've got it all wrong, again...ugh...

1 point

Keep dreaming Joe...I graduated college a loooong while ago.

1 point

"The law currently state that Federal money cannot go towards abortions."

Obama lifted the so-called global gag order a while back.

"The new health care program also has this wording in it."

There is ZERO new wording in the new health care law about abortions.

1 point

"National security is a necessity"

...and so is a person's Constitutional rights, period.

Once again, you can lose the silly gambling analogy, especially since you're in favor of rich people having as much sex as they want

1 point

You're repeated gambling analogy is just silly. You can quit making it now.

1 point

Well, I'll probably shock you by saying that I'm not a fan of the global warming theory either, and I happen to be a meteorologist by trade. I NEVER debate global warming on the Internet either.

0 points

"I actually encourage it, but I still don't want to pay for it."

Wow, what a typical "American attitude"..."I'm all for it, but I don't wanna pay for it". My selfish a society have we really become??

1 point

"Once again, the only exception could be if the womans life is at risk" your own, narrow opinion that is. Women can legally get abortions for all kinds of reasons right now...wake up...

1 point

"No, thank you for telling us all that only you and your liberal friends have the right to force the rest of us to pay for whatever it is that you guys determine is the right thing to do."

Nonsense. I could make the same argument about tax cuts for the rich, the Iraq War, etc., etc., but the FACT is that we don't get to specifically decide how our tax dollars are spent by the govt., period.

"If you are a low-income woman, the last thing you need is a baby. Since contraceptives are not 100% effective, this means that you should abstain from sexual intercourse. Facials, blow jobs, etc. are OK. The law states that you can legally have an abortion within a certain period of time.", low-income people should not have sex, but higher income people should. LMAO! That's some indefensible position you've laid out!

"But, by all means, try and prove me wrong. Go and get pregnant (or get someone pregnant) and then try to get a government sponsored free abortion"

Oh, by all means, I do not submit that the laws are the way that I would like them. Far from it...yet... :)

1 point

"It only falls under the health care moniker if the pregnancy is due to rape, incest, or it adversily affects the mother's health" your own, narrow interpretation that is. Seriously, who died & left you as judge, jury, and executioner?? Really!

1 point

"Abortions do NOT fall under a procedure that can save a life."

Of course they do, sometimes. Many women have been saved when a pregnancy has gone horribly wrong. To put a fetus before the life of real, live human woman is simply insane.

"Based on your logic, plastic surgery is a medical procedure as well. Should it also be covered?"

Stop making the same, tired arguments again & again. NO ONE is advocating for silly plastic surgery procedures to be paid for by govt. money, period.

1 point

"When you stop trying to tell me that I am responsible to bail out everyone whenever they screw up."

Well, I've NEVER said that...that's a strawman argument, period.

"You know, liberals are like little kids"

...and "conservatives" are greedy, period.

"Honestly, how old are you again?"

LOL...likely older than the likes of you...

1 point

My I "condone" the Iraq War because my tax dollars, in part, went to pay for it?? Nope. Think a little bit before you speak!

1 point

"Whether that means having the child OR paying for their abortion."

And what happens when they cannot afford an abortion?? You burden them with a potential child that they don't want, regardless of how the woman got pregnant in the first place??

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