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PrayerFails's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of PrayerFails's arguments, looking across every debate.

Never really liked looking at something that could cause me to go blind whereas at least, this will only make my eyes go crooked.

Time is conceptual byproduct of praxelogy. Furthermore, time only appears to be linear because of human action, which means man desires to achieve ends by whatever means. Time was conceived when man formulated length to took to achieve these ends.

If is a true fan of the game Uno, then he probably can't be that bad, right.

Honestly, haven't really paid any attention to the Winter Olympics so couldn't tell you.

Even though Happy Valentine's Day is some lame hallmark holiday, find someone special.

Does the other guy break his ankle or tear his kneecap?-----------------------

Not on Createdebate anymore.----------------------------------------------------

She appears a little plastic.-----------------------------------------

NOT THE iPad, but the HUMANCENTiPAD. This will replace everything.

You assumed wrong, I only assume 1% of the population is thinking of me. Not even that, people whom I care about.

99% of the population, I could care less what they think.

You know this.---------------------------------------------

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