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This personal waterfall shows you all of Saurbaby's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Useful tips and attractive women. I approve of this greatly. Thank you Joe ;)

1 point

Now, who actually wants to see a video of me actually dancing to it ;)

1 point

I don't do anything at home alone that I wouldn't do with everyone at home. lol I have no shame.

1 point

.... I don't know where I fit into this equation. lol I don't know if I'm skinny or plum. But I do know I'm not stupid >.> Soooo.... Yep.

I prefer a smart woman though, more fun to talk to.

1 point

Of course ;)

1 point

I have never known someone who has broken their penis. BUT I do know a guy that broke his girlfriend's vagina. She went to the hospital and needed stitches.

1 point

I wasn't going to read it until I read your argument. LOL I want to test it, but I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate that X)

1 point

I like Subway better personally...

But Pizza Hut girls, they're amazing ;)

2 points

It's okay Joe. I will stand beside you.

Your bravery has touched me and has made me want to come out as well.

Everyone.... I am Spanish. Please don't judge me.

2 points

It's okay Joe, I forgive you. And as long as my boobs and I forgive you then nothing else matters.

I still get an upvote for this, right? ;)

1 point

You didn't say koala, Kovu is safe ;)

1 point

This just leads me to believe that you are God Joe.... Which is a terrifying thought.

1 point

I'm not to sure about that. Especially with the Science part. You could be playing with chemicals and easily end up dead if you don't know what goes with what.

And I'm sure I can find some other excuse with Math and English if you really want me to :)

4 points

I actually have to disagree with you saying that education has no impact on a life span.

Stupid people are more likely to do something stupid and accidentally kill themselves.

1 point

I'd prefer to stay a woman. Actually I'd like to be a Christian woman in my next life, I've heard that they've got it easy


1 point

I'm sorry, but I'd probably fail the first part. I'd freak out if I saw an alien. And I'm terrible with communicating to people who speak my own language, so I'd probably fail at the second part too.

I would be a disgrace to the human race if I was the first human to make contact.

1 point

IF you are referring to the older users, that's because a lot of us are tired of debating the same thing over and over again, while I do believe we need to go back over them with new people, we can't help but troll to fight of the boredom. :)

3 points

I swear it feels like you are on my Facebook, because you always post things I see my friends post.

But they don't talk about my boobs... Not that often at least ;)

1 point

Nope, notification. I only saw because I came back to see if Joe did it again...

3 points

But it doesn't work, it doesn't notify someone when you use the clarify option. So your trolling wouldn't reach the person.

Or maybe I just missed those notifications because I was too busy looking at my boobies ;)

7 points

Challenge so accepted. But I'll start tomorrow because today I'm working on videos, finally. X) And I want to be focused on that. Instead of my boobies... though they are pretty distracting ;)

2 points

That'd be difficult in a few debate. For example, what do my boobs have to do with abortion!?

1 point

Lol, I didn't even notice the points until you said that. But catching up to Uncle Joe ;)

1 point

Also why girls prefer a night in, instead of a night out sometimes :)

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