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Scout143's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Scout143's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Love this video! He's such a hilarious guy and adds great comedy to political issues.

1 point

Thankfully, they have a long way to go to catch up. Just keep going!

1 point

No, your the idiot believing that his death is bad for America. He was very hostile to the United States. His country and the United States had cold relations, all due to Chavez. Hopefully, with a new president we can heal things up. We can trade more, especially in oil, and actually start giving more aide to their poor. Frankly, I'm relieved he is dead. If you believe it will hurt the taxpayer, show me.

1 point

More than that I think. But who cares? Haha! Pretty much any Liberal for that matter.

1 point

For Queen and Country! Seriously though. She has lived through some of Britain's darkest times and came out with dignity and a stiff upper lip.

1 point

Your historical context is a little off. The 6 day war came after Israel established independence, but other than that, yeah pretty much. I just like to be historically correct. It's a pet peeve of mine.

Scout143(652) Clarified
1 point

Well, if you hate factory farming, what about hunting? I can understand your side, I also hate the way some meat is created. That's why I hunt most of my meat. Saves me a lot of money too!

1 point

I still can't understand why you don't like venison. I just can't comprehend it. Haha!

1 point

Yeah. Pretty much. That explains it really well. Women are like "But then this, and this, and this could happen" and connect everything together, even if it doesn't. Men are more direct.

1 point

No. Most of the meat I eat I hunt. I don't eat beef. If I didn't see it die from my bullet and I butchered it, I'm not to keen on the idea.

0 points

He likes to do that. I think I was his first victim. I was pretty proud of my 99% effectiveness, until he disagreed with me.

1 point

I totally agree with what you said. That's why I'm sick of republicans, so I decided to vote Libertarian in my first election.

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