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This personal waterfall shows you all of Sitar's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So you believe that sick pedos should get away with raping children? .

1 point

Pedophiles are not born that way. They choose to be that way later.

1 point

There is no such thing as an innocent pedophile. You are sick for defending them.

2 points

When you say that pedophiles are born that way, you asre defending them. They deserve to die for choosing to be pedophiles. If I saw someone run over a pedophile with their car, I would thank the person driving. The only good pedophile is a dead one. They deserve to die for wanting to rape children. Pedophiles are worthless pieces of trash that shoul,d be destroyed. Pedophiles rape children. For this, they should die. Slowly. I was raped by my pedophile father when I was 13, so I give not one single fuck about pedophiles.

1 point

You are very clearly defending pedophile when you say that they don't choose to be that way.

1 point

Only a pedophile would defend a pedophile. .

1 point

All pedophiles should be killed because they will rape if given a chance. The only good pedophile is a dead one.

1 point

I did not ignore the God damn post. You are the one ignoring what I say.

1 point

No they are not. Stop feeling sorry for pedophiles. A pedophile should be killed because pedphiles rape children. Rape culture is when people feel sorry for pedophiles.

1 point

Anyone who is sexually attracted to children should be killed. Pedophiles rape children.

1 point

Pedophiles choose to be that way. They think it's okay to rape children. Pedophiles have one right: The right to die humanely. I am a liberal but I fucking hate how Democrats feel sorry for pedophiles. You were never raped by a pedophile, so you have no idea what it is like. My father raped me when I was 13, so excuse me for not giving a fuck about sicko pedophiles.

1 point

Pedophiles should be euthanized. .

0 points

I'm flattered that you copied my poll. I see nothing wrong with everyone paying their fair share of taxes. I support a 50% sales tax, but oppose all other forms of taxation.

1 point

It will not hurt you but you might fart bubbles. ;)

1 point

No, I am watching the whole thing. Egypt is so interesting. You want the link?

1 point

I am wattching a documentary on ancient Egyptian religion. I don't have time to fight with you. I am sure that you are a good person.

-1 points

You have the right to your opinion. .

0 points

{rove it. . .

0 points

You have the right to your opinion. .

0 points

Yes I do. I have been reading what people say. .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
0 points

I do read what people write. .

1 point

I disagreee. .

1 point

You are wrong. If the unborn child is a person, he or she has the right to live. Saying that the personhood of the child is irrelavant is like saying the humanity of the blacks is irrelavant to the issue of slavery.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

The child has the same genetic code at conception as it does at birth. This is a scientific fact.

0 points

And science is pig Latin for I sense. .

1 point

We don't have a responsible leader right now. .

2 points

Hmm, I will have to remember that. ;)

1 point

It is flattery. I am quite liberal, but I do respect you. You are my favorite debater.

0 points

People do not choose to be disabled. I am disabled and it is not by choice.

0 points

How very fascist of you. You are the typical conservative refusing to help the poor. You are disgusting to say that. Helping the poor is an important issue. You put the con in conservative.

1 point

That is a horrible thing to say. People do not choose to be disabled. I am disabled and I did NOT choose it. If I could change my disability, I would, but I cannot.

Dr. King's bootstraps quote: king-01.jpg

1 point

Yes or no, should people who are unable to work due to a disability receive welfare?

1 point

They are physically unable to work, like a severe back injury. I had a ruptured disk in my back and I was unable to work or walk normally for two years. I could not even stand up straight due to sciatica. I am able to and willing to work now but for two years, I had back pain. Another example is a pregnant woman who has been ordered to bed rest and is unable to work. Yet another example is a person that is dying od cancer. Can you understand where I am going with this? I know a man that is unable to work due to lupus and back problems. I agree that people should work, but not everyone can.

1 point

What if someone is disabled? Should they be denied help? .

1 point

Do unto others as you have have them do unto you. Render unto Caser what is Caeser's, and God what is God's. Love your neighbor as yourself.

1 point

There is nothing wrong with helping people who need it. .

1 point

Thank you. I am reading that now. .

0 points

I don't remember a link. Can you prove that there was a link?

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

What is epigentics? .

0 points

Where did he provide a link? Show me. .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Link please? I want to know if I am wrong. .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

What is that? I thought it happened at fertilization. I will have to withhold judgement untill I know the facts.

1 point

Life begins when the human organism is genetically unique. Can you tell me what genetic change takes place at birth?

Sitar(3680) Clarified
2 points

The fetus is a baby. What genetic change happens at birth? The baby has the same genetic code before birth as he does after birth. This is a basic scientific FACT!

1 point

So you admit that the unborn is a baby? Great. Welcome to the prolife movement.

2 points

Life begins at fertilization when the baby is genetically different than both parents.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Okay, I will. :) .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

This debate is about abortion, please stay on topic. :)

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

It is wrong to kill an unborn child. If you don't want a baby, use contraception. It is wrong to kill babies.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Yes because robbers often harm people like killing or rapimg them.

1 point

Whatever force was needed to protect myself. .

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Good question. I believe that I have the right to use force to protect myself from assault or death. :)

Sitar(3680) Clarified
3 points

I believe that self defense is a right, but I do not believe that abortion is self defense unless it is to save the mother's life or if the baby will die anyway.

0 points

Thank you, I agree. I make an exception for the life of the mother or if the baby will die anyway.

1 point

Good question. The baby is not part of the mother's body. He or she has its own genetic code that is seperate from that of both parents.

2 points

Liberals are very tolerant. It is the conservatives who fight for the alleged right to discriminate.

1 point

Liberals respect the following rights: Healthcare, contraception, housing, education, the right of consenting adults to get married, children's rights, worker's rights, and so on.

1 point

Thank you. . .

1 point

I posted to the wrog debate. I have often directed people to the following: Democrats For Life, Feminists For Life, and to support my arguments. I sometimes post the link and sometimes just type out the url.

1 point

Yes or no: Can you tell me where you proved that I am wrong? .

1 point

Of course. I love to back up my statements with proof. .

1 point

Yes, yes, oh my God, yes! ;)

1 point

The way you word things just like you used to. Your answers gave you away. ;)

1 point

Hello, Joe Calvary. I disagree. Straight, bisexual, and gay women are all equally smart. It is wrong to make ASSumptions like

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