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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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All the freaking time. Never have, never will.
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 All the freaking time. (13)
 Never have, never will. (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

When you are debating - do you use Google?


All the freaking time.

Side Score: 16

Never have, never will.

Side Score: 4

Neither side is really accurate for me. I use it, but probably not as often as I should.

I read, investigate myself, and learn in general constantly, and retain much of it, but next to none of it is done under the context of trying to win a debate down the line. I often find myself entering a debate on a topic I've learned much about, and more often than not work from memory initially. When my claims are questioned, I tend to backtrack to find the sources I originally worked with. Most of the time it's quite accurate, but sometimes it turns out that I misremembered something, or conflated two different issues in my memory, or something to that effect.

If I approached this less casually, I'd probably be a better debater- but debating itself is just one of the things I use in my endless quest for knowledge. Almost every time, even if the other side is completely wrong from a factual perspective, there is something useful or at least interesting to be learned by debating them- and I welcome having my positions questioned and criticized, as regardless of whether it reaffirms that I'm right or causes me to seriously re-examine the issue, I benefit from it in some way- more in the latter than the former, really.

I'll probably continue the same, honestly. I don't feel entirely comfortable regurgitating something I just googled, as I generally prefer to look at an issue from as many sides and varying sources as possible before forming an opinion- not that I can prevent myself from inadvertently forming one before I have much in the way of information, but at the very least I can refrain from asserting something I believe to be true if I haven't satisfied my own burden of proof.

Side: All the freaking time.

I always double check people's supposed "facts". Its the fastest way to win a debate.

Side: All the freaking time.
1 point

If you don't have to Google while debating, you need not debate your most obvious correctness of thought and opinion. Let the masses glean the truth for themselves.

Side: All the freaking time.

Sometimes I've to check whether my or anybody's opinion is super-correct and whether some facts given by a few hold true in the present.Certainly enhances my ideas and knowledge,there's no hiding about it.

Side: All the freaking time.
1 point

Of course. I love to back up my statements with proof. .

Side: All the freaking time.
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Can you point to a post of yours that actually had a link to a fact?

Side: All the freaking time.
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

Yes or no: Can you tell me where you proved that I am wrong? .

Side: Never have, never will.

Why not? Cite your sources and your more credible. It's a fact. I do it and it works. :) Otherwise, state that its your opinion.

Side: All the freaking time.
1 point

As far as I'm concerned, all opposing views are invalid.

Side: Never have, never will.
1 point


I like the card where the guy is sitting at his work desk having his lunch saying "Interesting food in our workplace fridge. I am just eating a sandwich called Barry"

Anyway, I have an Apple laptop so use Google and Mozilla, that way whatever doesn't open on one usually opens on the other. Sometime I can't open some sites at all on either so seems like some sites are not Apple friendly

Side: All the freaking time.
2 points

I put that one on the fridge at work.

Side: All the freaking time.
1 point

i might do sometimes as is usually obvious, but i typically don't.

Side: Never have, never will.
0 points

Never have to. I know I've many faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.

Side: Never have, never will.